• We worked on the west (front) facade of Dragonstone last week, and got the coach lights, vent, frieze boards, and corner soffits (around the flood lights and cameras) up!

(This soffit was already installed)

  • Our siding special order (with Mica’s name on it, facepalm) came in and was delivered (which is a whole other story) so we can install the siding next weekend with Dad! Yay!
  • I’m anxiously awaiting my mail-in vote status to change from “being reviewed by Election Judges” to “a status of Good and will be counted.”

  • I mentioned the cats were trying out new wet cat food, and as an update, BFF (Best Feline Friend) is the winner for now since they like it and I can understand the ingredients when I read the label. And serving it doesn’t make me gag.

  • This is the appropriate amount of cookies to order, right? This is why I need a chest freezer! So I can bulk order cookies from Foxship!

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 299