• Our Employee Association has been hosting “Cribs” presentations during lunch hour each week, and yesterday I presented Dragonstone (you can see my presentation here). It was fun to put the presentation together and give it – I work in design/construction so everyone was really interested! I had a total buzz after giving it.
  • Which was immediately killed (like within 10 minutes) by getting a call saying I am not getting a second interview for the supervisor position of my team. Neither is the other person on my team I thought should. We’re both shocked and really, really, really upset. We have a very specific skill set (no, not channeling Liam Neeson, ha) and are not eligible for other advancement opportunities and someone had to pass away (then it took a year) for this position to even open, so advancement feels helpless right now. But I will look for new opportunities at work. I will request a debrief when it’s eligible. I will focus on the great things in my life. I will relish in the fact that work is not my life. Oh well.
  • The first thing I wanted to do when I got the news was go on a long run. And I can’t. Sigh.
  • Moving on! Here are other bullets I had drafted for this post:
  • We had a tornado warning Monday and the cats did NOT want to go in the basement, which is odd, since every time I work out down there, Apollo and Starbuck are clawing at the door to join me. Poor Khali was especially FREAKED out. But we were only down there about 15 minutes and everyone (and our property!) is fine.

  • This is gross, but whatever. I keep sweating through my outfits while working, especially when I have calls. Our house is properly cooled and ventilated, and I am wearing shorts and a tee. I wonder if I am out of balance from not working out as much or from eating crap for a while? I will DEFINITELY keep you posted on how this progresses! Ha ha ha.
  • We’ve lived in our home four years but have never set up a garden because we always have some house project going on. Someday we will! In the meantime, I am super grateful our neighbor has been sharing their tomatoes (and said we could go pick them whenever!). I rarely eat store bought tomatoes – they just aren’t worth it. Fresh from the garden though? Yes, please!

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 288