• We had an amazing visit with Gina, Steve, Luca, and my family! I’m looking forward to writing about it, but am exhausted and today is the one day I’m working this week and my parents arrive tonight to celebrate my birthday (tomorrow) so… not sure when I will write. Maybe after work!

  • I can at least share the river gift I was so excited about – custom sunglasses with everyone’s name and “River Time 2020” on them. They were a hit!

  • My interview at work is set up for next Wednesday morning! I took my work phone and computer on vacation just for that email (it came late Tuesday afternoon).
  • A month ago I applied to be the “Daily Driver” on my favorite classic rock station, 97.1 FM The Drive, and I was selected last week! On Friday I recorded five song intros with one of the DJs, and they are playing them today. I also recorded a “I am the Drive” spot – where you talk about who you are then say your name, city, and “I am the Drive” at the end. I’m kind of bummed they’re playing the intros the one day I’m working this week – I’m in meetings most of the day so I may miss them (but I work most weekdays so what was I expecting?!). But I am still excited to be selected!

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 286