• I’ve been feeling a lot of anxiety at work lately because I’m waiting for the supervisor listing for my team to open so I can finish my resume and apply (I’m waiting on the core competencies in the listing before I finish it – I need to know what they are to match my resume examples to them). I hate putting things off at work and it’s making me feel extremely agitated. They’ve been saying it’s coming out in a week or two for a month. I just need to remind myself that when it comes out I have time to work on it, and will work on it right away so my reviewers have plenty of time to read over it before it’s due!
  • Also work related – I really want a vacation. I need a chunk of time off to chill. On Tuesday I put in my request for July leave for our annual river trip and that made me feel better.
  • This month marks ten years since I switched from being a vegetarian to being a vegan! To all of those who said I wouldn’t stick with it – GFY!!!!
  • Speaking of being vegan, I was looking for vegan sprinkles online for a cake Steven wants to make, and I found this container of 2.2 lbs of them on Amazon. The reviews were hilarious, and a huge part of why I bought them. Now I have until 1/28/21 to eat them all. Challenge accepted. Sprinkles on everything!

  • Speaking of Amazon, ugh:
    • Apparently they remove things from your wishlist if you buy it for someone else? That’s kind of annoying. I still want it for me.
    • They canceled the shorts order I placed June 2. I REALLY NEED THOSE RUNNING SHORTS. Sigh. Hopefully those Target ones come back in stock. Wah, right?
  • Our classic rock radio station does this thing M-F called the “Daily Driver” where a listener gets to pick a few of their favorite songs to have played throughout the day, and do intros to them! I finally remembered to apply this week.

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 280