Last week I mentioned sandwiches are “depressing” to have for dinner in my “Should sandwiches be cut?” post*, and I started to talk about it more in the comments, so here’s a whole post about it, since it’s come up a lot recently BECAUSE ALL WE TALK ABOUT IS FOOD.

Ha, okay, not really, but whoa, so much food and shopping talk, understandably, while we’re all under our different stay-at-home orders and trying to find normalcy in our eating and buying when things are so bizarre. I have my COVID-19 Check-in post drafted for the week, and most of it is food-related, again! Sigh. Anyway.

In the comments on the sandwich post, Bethany said she also finds sandwiches for dinner extremely sad because she wants real food for dinner – something heartier (the definition of hearty for food is “wholesome and substantial”). I’m the exact same way. I’d rather have a light breakfast and lunch, and a heartier (and WARM!!!**) dinner, even though it’s probably not the brightest idea to eat a big/substantial meal before bed.

Steven and I have been this way for years though. We do our own thing for breakfast each day, we have a salad and leftovers for lunch, and a hearty meal (something new or heated up leftovers) for dinner. A burger for dinner (with sides!) is okay because it’s warm and filling. A cold sandwich? No! It leaves me unsatisfied!

This might be unusual. Some people I talk to do a heartier lunch and light dinner. And some people don’t even have dinner – they just have a snack, if anything. (And I am not even going to get in to intermittent fasting, since that’s not something I do!) I wonder if Steven and I will change when we get older – we’ve definitely noticed that trend.

So, tell me, is this something you pay attention to AT ALL? Click through to take my poll!

[poll id=”19″]

*The most selected answer was “diagonally”!
**I don’t think I could ever be a raw vegan! I just like warm food too much!