• Before the library closed, I was most excited about borrowing the book Oona Out of Order. It’s the story of a woman who jumps to a different year of her life every year on her birthday. On Tuesday I saw a giveaway for the book on Instagram and tagged my snister (it was a requirement to tag someone) and told her why I did, then she surprised me by buying me the Kindle version of the book! I was so annoyed with work that day, and the gift totally made my day and helped my mood. I can’t wait to read it next. Thanks, snis!

  • We have lots of friends and family with April birthdays, and I was worried about getting birthday cards for people since I only go out to shop for groceries, but I looked in my card box and Past Kim had already picked out a few cards for specific people with birthdays in April. A few is better than none! Good job Past Kim!!!
  • Past Kim planned to buy birthday presents closer to people’s actual birthdays, so the gifts were still in the return window when they were given. That plan backfired – delivery dates are much longer than normal now due to COVID-19. I’m not complaining, I get it, I just had to get creative with gifts. You could say gift giving is not important right now (but look how happy it made me in the first bullet!), but I think it will be nice for the people stuck inside on their birthdays to get a gift in the mail.
  • Related (to long delivery times), I tried to place a grocery order and the earliest delivery date was Tuesday April 7th. Whoa! I should probably go to the store and let the people who really need to have groceries delivered use that time slot instead.
  • Mood change alert. With everything being canceled, can we also please cancel difficult, demanding, draining people? I’m not sure I can handle them much longer. Can we also please cancel thinking you have it harder than everyone else? It must be exhausting to constantly think about how much easier everyone else has it.
  • I’m glad the Olympics were postponed and not canceled. And I hope team USA (okay, and all teams!) can adjust their schedules to still be in the best shape for them in 2021! This article (pdf here) is an interesting compilation of athlete’s responses to how the games being postponed affects training.

  • I love all the funny memes and images on social media right now – I’ve laughed so hard at some I’ve cried! But I am mindlessly scrolling like CRAZY. GAH! I am working on being more mindful of how much time I am spending on social media, and am doing better with it.
  • We started watchingΒ The Wire (ha, apparently we are not alone) last week. I’m struggling to keep the story and characters straight (and some of that has to do with us not having window treatments and not being able to see our TV well during lunch time! I can’t see who is on the screen or what is going on.) but am going to stick with it for a while. I found some recaps that will help me understand what I’m missing. <— mostly putting that here so I have the link later!

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 268