Highlight of the Week: Running with Bobbi!

Monday | March 9, 2020: teaching strength class
Strength: steps, medicine balls, and boxing, Felt: fine

Tuesday | March 10, 2020: 3 m run
Run location: Chicago Lakefront Trail, Temp: 37°/35°, Time: 32:49, Pace: 10:56 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good
Wednesday | March 11, 2020: 10 m run
Run location: Trumpet/VP Woods, Temp: 35°/37°, Time: 2:01:46, Pace: 12:11 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good, tired at the end
Thursday | March 12, 2020: rest
Friday | March 13, 2020: teaching strength class + 5 m run (hills x5)
Strength: step, medicine balls, and boxing, Felt: good
Run location: hood, Temp: 47°/47°, Time: 55:00, Pace: 11:00, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good on repeats, annoyed running back home in to the wind

Saturday | March 14, 2020: 4 m run + teaching strength class
Run location: hood, Temp: 34°/34°, Time: 48:11, Pace: 12:02 avg, Difficulty: medium, Felt: slow and heavy legs
Strength: whole body moves and boxing, Felt: good

Sunday | March 15, 2020: 12 m run (9.5 w/Bobbi!)
Run location: DPRT/Kilbourne loop, Temp: 32°/33°, Time: 2:30:43, Pace: 12:33 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: great


  • I added a midweek long run, thinking it would help to build some endurance for my half next month, since I bonked at 10 miles in Atlanta. Then my half was canceled (well, made virtual). But I’ll keep training! I enjoy running, especially the long runs.
  • I was nervous about having fitness boxing on Saturday, since people usually share gloves, but we had enough pairs to have everyone have their own set. Our studio is kept very clean and we’re all diligent about cleaning equipment after each use, but it still felt weird to be having a class, with everyone being advised to stay home due to the coronavirus.
  • Bobbi reached out to me to ask if I wanted to do our long runs together. Yes, please! It was so nice to spend that time chatting! I hope we can do it again soon!

Link to Training Week 542