Highlight of the Week: Actually riding my bike / feeling the sun during Sunday’s run!

Monday | January 27, 2020: 10 m ride + teaching strength class
Indoor Ride Time: 38:56, Pace: 15.4 mph avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good
Strength: Lebert and dumbbells, Felt: good

Tuesday | January 28, 2020: 5 m run
Run location: hood, Temp: 31°/31°, Time: 57:28, Pace: 11:29 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good!
Wednesday | January 29, 2020: rest
Thursday | January 30, 2020: 4 m run (hills x6)
Run location: hood, Temp: 33°/33°, Time: 44:59, Pace: 11:14 avg, Difficulty: medium, Felt: decent
Friday | January 31, 2020: teaching strength class + 3 m run
Strength: Lebert and dumbbells, Felt: fine
Run location: hood, Temp: 34°/32°, Time: 34:25, Pace: 11:27, Difficulty: easy-ish, Felt: fine, but could taste my gyro lunch, blah

Saturday | February 1, 2020: 7 m run
Run location: VP Woods Loop, Temp: 34°/36°, Time: 1:23:17, Pace: 11:54 avg, Difficulty: medium, Felt: fine, but sluggish
Sunday | February 2, 2020: 11 m run
Run location: VP Woods/Delaney Loop, Temp: 42°/50°, Time: 2:12:14, Pace: 12:01 avg, Difficulty: mostly easy, Felt: pretty good!


  • I actually rode my bike for the first time since RAGBRAI last July. Seeing the RAGBRAI course announcement always makes me want to get back to it! And my body appreciates the cross training. (Later in the week I read the RAGBRAI 2020 course description… yeah, I don’t think I want to do the day in to then the day out of Waterloo. The first day is day is 72+ miles and the second is 85+ miles with the most elevation of the entire ride… no thanks on that second day.)
  • We’ve had such a mild January, especially this week, and I appreciate it. I’ve barely worn double face masks or double pants for any runs.
  • Notice how all of my training pictures look the same though? I’ve mostly been running the same safe winter route and I’m so bored with it. And that’s not even to mention how gray it’s been! The sun finally came out Sunday and it felt amazing.
  • Ha, did you see this online Runner’s World interview (pdf here) with Shelby Houlihan’s cat, Miko? Too cute.
  • Buah ha ha, I was researching the Atlanta half course yesterday and saw I could check that I was registered. I entered my full name and nothing came up. I felt shocked and was also like, “well, I guess I just won’t run it…” but I was registered, just under Kim, not Kimberly. I am excited about the course – I like that it’s mostly a big loop and I’ll get to see different parts of town!
  • Monthly recap! I squeaked in just over 100 running miles for the month, yay! In January I ran 101.2 miles (19 runs) and biked 10 miles (1 indoor ride). I did 5 hill repeat sessions. My coldest run was 20°F and my warmest was 47°F. I taught 8 strength classes and 1 fitness boxing class.

Link to Training Week 536