Years ago I was invited to join a book club and I was not interested AT all. I wasn’t reading much at the time, I didn’t want to be told what to read, and (honesty) I didn’t care for some of the people in the group.

But now that I’ve been reading more (look at how close I am to my goal for the year!!!), I am starting to get it. I finish a book and I REALLY want to talk about it. With real people. I write about it here, and I tell people about it (because I can’t help myself), and I read Goodreads reviews, but it’s not the same. I want to talk to people who’ve read it.

But I really don’t see myself joining a club.

So I will continue to write here. And continue my random book selection process.*

I finished Recursion on Sunday. I was so in to it, I kept talking to Steven about what was going on in the story, and thinking about it when I wasn’t reading. I don’t want to spoil it, but there is a reason people keep getting these “false memories” of things that never happened, and it was thrilling to see how the detective and neuroscientist try to solve it!

Then I read Dark Matter, by the same author, which I picked up by accident, when I couldn’t remember that it was actually Recursion I had on hold. In Dark Matter, the main character is abducted then wakes up in a different version of his town (Chicago!) and is trying to find his way back home to his wife and son. But his wife isn’t his wife in this reality. And his son was never born. And he is an acclaimed scientist, where before, he was a community college professor.

Holy cow, both of these books blew my mind. This review accurately captures my thoughts:

Ha. It’s so true though.

Both books put the characters in situations where they question their reality, and who they actually are. Both are legitimate unputdownable**, non-cheesy thrillers with twists I didn’t see coming. Both had interesting sciencey-enough backgrounds to seem real but not overwhelming. Both had love stories (aww). Both are going to be in my brain for some time to come…

So tell me if you’ve read them so we can chat!

*I somewhat randomly pick out books. I love reading about running, so anything new in that genre goes in my hold request at the library. I will read almost any memoir. I peruse the “new” books selection at the library, and the “recommended” reads section, too. I get recommendations from friends and from podcasts – that is how I had Recursion in my hold list to start with – I heard it on The Popcast***! I save articles I see about books. And so on. I am a bit all over.
**An actual word I learned on Goodreads this weekend!
***Is anyone else listening to this? Man, the hosts of this podcast crack me the hell up.