I would normally save this for Random Thoughts Thursday but it’s too exciting not to share RIGHT MEOW.

When we were in Saskatoon I had a “I need to eat right meow or I’m going to DIE” moment, so I picked the most vegan-looking chips from a vending machine and ended up with something called “All Dressed.”

Wowza, the chips were AMAZING. I figured they tasted so good because I was about to die, but we got another bag later so Steven could try them, and he liked them too. I took a photo of the bag to remember what they were, so I could look for them in the states.

(Ha, at dinner after I first had them, I was telling Steven about them and he asked if they were made by a company he’d heard of. I said “yeah, some company called Lay’s?” to be a brat. Ha. They aren’t even Lay’s!)

So I was getting groceries at our biggest grocery store the day after we got home and went to the Ruffles section (that’s what they actually were), and was SO SAD they didn’t have them.

I text my snis to lament the absence of these chips in my life and GUESS WHAT. A few days later, she discovered that Walmart sells them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She tried to buy them. She added them to her mobile order and they were “out of stock” when she picked up her order.

That made me nervous. What if I did the same and they weren’t available for me either? HORROR OF HORRORS.


I placed a mobile order yesterday and picked it up today and HERE THEY ARE:

Ha, “#1 Flavor in Canada”!


Oh happy day.

So what the hell is “all dressed”? It’s kind of like BBQ, only better!

Ha, they put a hockey player on the back of the bag!

It’s the small things, folks!