You guys know I am big on visualization for racing. It never occurred to me to apply it to other aspects of my life, specifically, my anxiety. Duh.

Let me back track a bit.

When I was reading Chrissie Wellington’s book, I thought it was really smart how part of her race visualization process was visualizing things that might go wrong (along with visualizing success). She thought about getting a flat tire on the course, and the motions she’d go through to fix it. She thought about needing to go to the bathroom, and how she’d handle that. And so on. Shortly after reading that, I listened to a podcast with elite runner Cory McGee and she mentioned doing the same thing. She thought about how she’d recover from a fall in a track race, or getting pushed around (okay, it was so long ago I don’t remember what her examples were so I made those up, ha!).

So, worst case scenario visualization. Pretty smart, huh?! I normally do best case scenario visualization, which I think is extremely valuable, but now I’d add things like falling or needing to go #2, etc., to my worst case scenario visualization.

I’ve been thinking about this for a few months but haven’t shared it because I am not doing any visualization, as I am not racing any time soon.

But I just realized I inadvertently did this with my snis last weekend, for something I am personally anxious about. And it helped!

Not sure if you’ve heard, but the Rolling Stones concert we have tickets to in June was postponed so Mick Jagger could have heart valve replacement surgery (he had it done and it went well, yay!). I was having major anxiety about the rescheduling of the concert – that it would be rescheduled for the only other time I have something going on this summer (RAGBRAI).

I was telling my snis this, and she said “If it was that weekend, what would you do?” And I told her I’d try as hard as I could to still go to the concert. We talked about what that would entail, logistically, and she said “I think you should just plan for that!”

Oh em gee, that is so smart (<— not being sarcastic)! Why don’t I, wow, actually plan for how I’d make it work if the concert is during the time I will be on vacation in Iowa, instead of just worrying it will be then? DUH DUH DUH Kim.

So yeah, worst case scenario visualization/planning, in real life! Now I just need to remember to do it!