The holiday gift I was most excited to give was tickets for my dad (and mom, and Steven, and me) to see the Rolling Stones at Soldier Field in June. And Dad always opens his presents last, and slowly, after all the chaos is over, so the suspense was killing me. K-I-L-L-I-N-G M-E. Ha.

I made a fake ticket and put it under a Rolling Stones shirt so that he had a hint when he opened his present. We had discussed going to the concert but thought tickets were too expensive*, so he was surprised to see I got some after all!

Here is a reenactment (but not really since the ticket is on top) since I failed to take a photo

I am so. freaking. stoked. for this concert. Every time I hear one of their songs I get super pumped up and (usually, if it’s not already on there) add it to my dream setlist for the concert.

Dad and I were discussing our favorite Rolling Stones songs** and he mentioned he has bad memories of “Brown Sugar” from his bachelor party, but that it was too long of a story to tell. WHUT! Dad! We want deets. We must get to the bottom of this! I will get this out of him the next time we run together. And report back. Ha.

*When I first heard about the tickets, and told my dad, it was before public sales actually opened, so the prices I was seeing were ridiculous. Ticket prices WERE still ridiculous, and I had to get them on StubHub, because the Ticketmaster line had 2,000+ people in it, and our tickets are probably in the back row of the stadium but I don’t care***. I am there to HEAR not SEE (too closely, ha).
**Dad is not a diehard fan of the Rolling Stones or anything. But he LOVES rock music (where do you think I got it?) and is excited to see such a legendary band. We were talking about how it’s the closest we’ll ever get to seeing The Beatles, ha! (Because they were part of the same British Invasion in the 60s.)
***I could write a whole blog post about my anxiety about buying these tickets and after I bought them. Sigh. Demand was so high that they added a second concert after I got tickets for our concert. Then on the rock radio station, they were joking about how no one was going to go to the first concert and to listen after the break to hear why. Of course, I heard this AFTER I got tickets and wondered what the frack was going on. So I listened to all the commercials to hear what was going on, just to have the DJs say that there is a Hugh Jackman concert the same night as the first Stones concert and now everyone will want to see Hugh Jackman instead. Very funny, guys. Eyeroll. (Good to know though – traffic will be even more nutso.)

A gift I wasn’t thinking much about but turned out to be a hit was Steven and Andrew’s old Hot Wheels (from the 80s and 90s). I asked our oldest nephew what he wanted for Christmas and he told me Hot Wheels, and Steven had the idea to give him his old ones (we got him a new five-car set too).

Apollo not included

Our nephew was SO excited when he opened these. And basically stopped opening any other presents to look through them all. Who knew it would be so exciting?

Steven knew. Ha.

I didn’t get it, because Hot Wheels aren’t my thing, but I suppose I would feel the same level of excitement about old Polly Pockets or Smooshies****!

****Grr, I hate it when I search for an old post on this new blog and find out it’s part of the over a year from 2013-2014 that didn’t get transferred over. Sigh. And that is why the old blog will always stay up.