A question I understandably get asked a lot is “what house projects are you guys working on now?”

All winter, my answer was “the cat house!”

Our fall ended harshly with below zero temperatures and lots of snow. The outdoor cats were doing okay – we had store-bought heated kitty houses (which Jen and Troy generously helped us purchase!) that we further insulated with moving blankets and insulation, then built a little platform over to block the wind, and covered with a tarp. It looked lovely.

What the set up looked like from inside the house…

But we wanted something more permanent that:

  • we could control the temperature in
  • was visually pleasing
  • we could see in to from our house
  • wouldn’t blow away (ha)

So, in December, Steven got to work building the cat house! We knew it would be costly, so we decided to have it be our Christmas gift to one another.

Steven used the cat house as an opportunity to learn about current house construction best practices. He already knew a lot, but this was his chance to try things out on a small scale! He spent a lot of time researching the best methods to build it, then sketched out the design.

And here is what he did! Get ready for LOTS of pictures!!! This is a loooooooooooooong post. But I want to document it all. I understand if you skim!

He built a frame using 2x4s, and used a basement window for the cats’ “sliding glass door” entrance (they have another exit, and a window). Edited to add: we used a glass door so we could see in from inside our house!

The house has two rooms, and a mezzanine. The room sizes are small so their body heat doesn’t escape and they stay warm in the winter!

He used OSB for sheathing (which he had to cut apart and glue back together because the top was on backwards, oops!).

And insulated it with some leftover insulation from one of our attic projects (it’s either R11 or R13).

After building the house structure, Steven made the base,

(animated gif)

and the roof. The roof started out with a simple frame, like the base:

But had much more detail involved. Steven installed insulation, and vents (leftover from our attic construction) so that air could move through the roof and moisture wouldn’t be trapped inside. Steven painted the vents and part of the inside of the roof for aesthetics.

The roof also had to be designed precisely so that hinges could be mounted on it so it can be opened later! More on that below.

Starting to look good, right?!

Next up, flashing. We brought the sheet metal brake home from storage, and Steven shaped all the pieces. He enjoyed getting his tools out of storage for this project!

The flashing really adds a nice touch, and I think is one of the reasons we can charge what we do for rent.

During this work session, Steven also framed out their window, so they can have a nice view of the yard (or that broom, ha).

He painted the base and bottom of the house with mold and mildew resistant paint to seal the wood.

He ordered some cool vintage tools to solder the flashing,

but he couldn’t get them hot enough without a special furnace. Womp womp. Regular soldering with the torch, it is. Steven just had to be careful not to burn the wood (that’s a risk if you use a torch).

After the flashing was all soldered together, it was time to wrap the house. The house wrap is a moisture barrier, and was a lot of work to get all the details right (if you weren’t already thinking this whole thing was). Steven wrapped the entire house,

then cut off the parts for the openings and around the flashing.

Phew. It’s exhausting just writing about this!

After the wrap was on, Steven could start applying some of the final siding, which was exciting – it was starting to look more like a finished product!

He still had some flashing to do on top of the siding – those corners look like they were a tricky!

(animated gif)

After that was done, Steven applied tape to seal all the seams. He used butyl tape, so it doubles as under-flashing in some areas, and it’s a self-healing membrane to nail/screw through for the siding.

Then he began applying the rest of the siding! The siding took a lot of time to cut to the correct length, miter the corners, and get all the holes pre-drilled for the copper nails. The copper nails were leftover from our roof construction (you can see we reused as much as possible – there’s a reason we hold on to this stuff!). We thought they looked really cool!

Then it was time for more roof work. Steven built a piece of flashing and precisely placed it on the underside of the roof so it would be flush against the front of the house and direct water rolling down the roof away from the house.

He then cut cedar siding to decorate the underside of the roof, attached the hinges, and voila!

Looks close to being done, right?


The inside of the house has to be painted!

And the cedar siding “accent” wall has to be put together!

Here’s the mezzanine:

The house needs to be stained!

The second door needs to be put together!

The metal roof still needs to be attached!

Now it’s ready to go outside, right? Almost, friends. One final touch – gotta install wiring for the party lights!

Every cat house needs adjustable-color lights you can control from your phone!

If you guessed that this thing is hella heavy, you are right. We took it outside in two pieces, on the second weekend of March (a few trips delayed this being done earlier!).

It was difficult to get the base on to our back porch, but we did it! And Snow used it right away! Yay! I was worried Steven would do all this work and Snow would be too scared of it to go nearby.

Horrible photo, but you can see Snow inside.

Steven still had a bit of work to do once we got it on the back porch. He installed an occupancy sensor so we can tell when Snow is in the house (from the SmartThings on our phones).

He bought a personal-sized heater (it was so late in the season they had to get it from storage, ha!) and customized it to attach to our SmartThings system (which I have never written about, but is how we control all our home automation stuff), so we can monitor the heat (using a temperature sensor) and keep it at a cozy 72°F. That is one lucky cat! Edited to add: you can see in two photos down that we are still using the heated pads that came with the store-bought houses!

Steven also installed a hook and eye closure on each side of the roof in case it gets crazy windy!

And! That’s it! You made it to the end! Snow has been using the house since we put it out there in early March. It’s kept him warm and dry, and it’s such a relief to us that he has a comfortable and safe place to live. And if any other cats show up, there is room for one to two more…

I am very proud of Steven for building something so beautiful and useful, but also, for his passion AND compassion with this project. He spent all this time and money making something for ONE cat that lives outside. And was very excited about it – we had so many conversations about the best way to do things! All I did was participate in those conversations, and help carry heavy stuff! Thank you Steven, for being so awesome! I greatly appreciate all the work you do in taking care of our home, inside and out!