Since I’ve started exercising so much, and not sleeping on the train in the morning, I’ve been having really strange energy peaks.
I get to work energized and refreshed. I feel great until about 3:00, when I usually start to feel a bit tired, dizzy and weak. I have a snack of veggies, hummus and fruit, to try to snap out of it.
If it works, then am pretty pumped the rest of the day. And I mean pumped – my heart is racing. If I don’t nap on the train ride home, my heart doesn’t slow down until late in the evening, sometimes around 11:00 or later. If I nap on the train, I am somewhat doomed. It takes me awhile to snap out of the sleepy fog when I get home, but then my heart starts to race again afterward, and I am still up too late.
If the snack doesn’t work,Β I can’t snap out of my fog – I spend the rest of the day in a daze. Whether or not I sleep on the train, it doesn’tΒ matter – I’m going to be out of it.
This new energy pattern is alarming to me, because I am hitting so many highs and lows. I am fairly steady most of the day, but then my heart really starts to race, and I get anxious and excited and energetic. It feels great to be so energetic, but it doesn’t feel great to come down from it. I am trying to eat balanced meals throughout the day, and drink plenty of water, and am TRYING to get enough sleep, but I don’t know what else to do to normalize my energy levels.
And I doubt I will be sleeping much on the train anymore. I bought myself an HP Mini to use the internet while I ride. Yay! I have been wanting a smaller computer to take on the train for a long time.
Letting Data use the new computer – it’s more “his” size!
Huh…your heart is literally racing from 3pm till night-time? As in, 100 beats/min vs. 70, or higher than that even? I think I’d be alarmed too…that doesn’t sound normal…
supersalwa – I haven’t measured it (my heart rate watch is messed up), but I know it is beating a lot faster than it does most of the day. It’s not uncomfortable, but odd. I don’t think it’s normal either π
You need to make a trip to MY doctor. π No seriously, you should talk to a medical professional b/c while I’m sure it’s nothing serious, they probably have some answers for this. 3pm is pretty much when our blood sugar drops off…so that’s not unusual…but the rest, I dunno.
I know you didn’t have a great experience with your doc…maybe Tori can recommend someone? I know she loves most of her doctors and they might be close to you. I’ll ask around and see if anyone knows someone really great downtown!
I hope you are feeling better today, too! It’s okay to have an inexplicable grumpy day. Happens all the time.
Whoah – a racing heart-beat. Really? Like others have suggested, you might want to get it checked out. If not merely for measuring a baseline should things change at some point in the future. Because I thought most runners have lower than normal “resting heartbeats.”
i agree… maybe you should find you a good dr. just to get a check-up, you know, make sure everything is ok… maybe he could help you out… do you take any vitamins or supplements at lunch or after that could maybe be causing the racing?
i’m glad that you finally broke down and got Data his own computer!!!
Have you tried spreading your food intake out more over the day to see if you can even things out? To me this seems like blood sugar highs and lows. Your snack of hummus, veggies, and fruit doesn’t seem like something that would cause a blood sugar spike, though.
Finding a good doctor is hard. I’m still looking myself. I want someone who won’t just give me a pill for every problem.
Sorry you’re having the afternoon crash but the energy boosts are great news. I need to get off my ass again and start exercising/eating right again.
Love the photo of Data on the computer!
I would sugget talking to the doctor about the racing heart. I would also recommend taking an asprin if that happens.
I hope I didn’t freak you all out. After your concern, which I am VERY THANKFUL for, I feel like I am making too big of a deal out of this. Because while this is abnormal, I don’t feel like anything’s WRONG, persee. I guess this is just something I should have checked out.
diane – I think you are right. I am due at the doctor for some other items, and this is something I should bring up. Just so that they’re aware of it, and it’s in my records. I also figured the 3 PM blood sugar level drop was no big deal, but the rest of it is making me crazy. And you know what? I am so pumped up I can’t sleep at night anymore. I wake up often and just want to jump out of bed. I could just cry thinking about how awful it’s making me feel. I should talk to Tori this weekend π
SoMi’s Nilsa – Oh gosh. You’re right! As you run more and more, your resting heart beat is supposed to lower. So WHAT THE HECK is going on with mine? Maybe I need to go check my blood pressure and stuff? :/
CourtneyInControl – I don’t take anything funny after lunch. I take my vitamin after breakfast. And I am completely off caffeine… which is why I am SO PUZZLED!!! I will talk to my “new” doctor about it. Ha! Isn’t Data so spoiled?! (Don’t tell him, but this Saturday is V-E-T day!)
Jen – I thought it was blood sugar too, so I eat something light almost every 2 hours! I rarely go less than that without a snack, until the evening anyway. Maybe I need to eat bigger meals? That just doesn’t make sense though. The “doctors” at my college were like that – “here, take this pill! all better!” Uh… no.
ajooja – I am loving the new energy! Maybe I should just take the good with the bad?! What is your exercise plan for this Spring? Are you starting to have nice weather there? π
Christina – Thanks π I had to work with him to get him to pose this time. It’s usually easier! Hey, I forgot about aspirin. I should check that out. And I should talk to Steven, because I think he had a similar problem a few years ago.
How’s your caffeine intake? I only ask because I get heart palpiatations like the ones you described if I have coffee or stupid amounts of soda. I used to be fine with caffeine but I now have to cut most of it out.
I love your HP Mini! That is a must for long train rides! I’m going to have to figure out a way to justify getting myself one of those, haha. No long train rides with nothing to do anymore.
Why isn’t Data reading Man Oh Manny, btw?? : )
I second the caffiene question, and then I’m going to tell you that if it’s not the caffiene, as big a not-deal as you feel this is, you SHOULD have this checked by a doctor. It’s not normal. Even if you don’t feel something is wrong, it might be the tip-off that something is starting to go wrong. It could even be something as simple as an infection, but getting it checked out would be a good idea.
weird! i’d probably get it checked out too… i had heart palpitations for a while, and turns out it was my allergy meds – no more decongestants for me. i was like you, didn’t feel like anything was wrong or bad, but i eventually went in and they knew right away what the problem was and how to fix it.
those banana donuts from this wkd look DELISH!
That energy boost you describe sounds like some endorphin release. Unless you are leaving out the details about the 3 Red Bulls you drink at 3pm. π
Congrats on the new HP mini netbook. I looked at that model when I bought my netbook and decided on the HP 2133. The plastic case and small hard drive and lack of ExpressCard slot turned me off. The new HP 2140 is the upgraded version of the 2133, with the same expansion options.
Gina (Mannyed) – I have been off caffeine for quite some time now π I think it would make it even worse if I was drinking it though! I don’t even think I eat any food that has caffeine in it. The Mini (HP, not Cooper, ha ha!) is not that expensive! I think you can justify it π I will ask Data what his deal is! He should be looking at his cousin’s sit, not researching mouse toys!!!
Kyra – You’re right. I should get it checked out. Now I just need to begin the long process of finding a doctor… π
Alice – So I wonder if it is a reaction to something… I just can’t think of anything that I am doing differently! This is so frustrating. Thanks about the donuts π
martymankins – Don’t worry! No Red Bull, and nothing of that sort! So far I like the HP. The 2133 looks good too! It is linux based? I thought about trying that. Thought π
All really good advice here missy. π
Nothing to add but go see a professional about this? Please.
I am sorry you are feeling weird. Are you very stressed out? That’s all I got.
Nat – I will!
Hotch Potchery – More and more, I am stressed out. I think I am internalizing it too much too. I wonder if that is causing a build up.
poor Data- he has no idea what he’s in for this weekend!!! bless his heart!!! if he needs to take a trip after the V-E-T to deal with the stress he can come visit us in Texas!!! we would love to have him!!! (and of course you and Steven but you two might be in the dog house, lol!!)
CourtneyInControl – I will let him know his aunt wants to see him! Hee hee π