<image:Mindless Eating width=I just finished reading The Nonrunner’s Marthon Guide for Women by Dawn Dais. I read a description of it a few years ago in Women’s Health Magazine and thought, “That sounds like a good book, but I’ll never run a marathon! Ha!”

Yeah – I never thought I would run more than a 5K.

Anyway, when we decided to run a half marathon, I remembered the book and ordered a copy, anxiously awaiting its arrival…

Unfortunately, the book wasn’t all I had made it up to be in my mind*.Β  The book was set up well – organized into chapters on training, accessories, the mentality of running, etc. It just didn’t have the full technical background I was hoping for. Dais was very clever and witty with her writing – the book is filled with jokes that made me laugh. And I loved the journal entries from the author’s marathon training – I could actually read a whole book of her journal entries!

But in the end, it was just a light read that gave me a few helpful pointers, but didn’t cover everything I was hoping it would. And that’s okay. I shouldn’t have expected it to!

Any recommendations for other books?

Training Update: I will complete my first FULL WEEK of half marathon training today. That means my schedule has been so off-wack since since the beginning of December that I only now can do a full week of training. And I am behind.

I am about to complete Week 4 of training. Steven is about to complete Week 6 or 7! He chose to stay up late and run during December and the beginning of January, while I chose to sleep, or eat too much food then not feel like running.

I am not only behind in weeks though, I am behind on speed. I had to slow down my speed big time, to accommodate the weeks of not training so much, and uh, the few extra pounds I put on during the holidays. Right now, all of these 4-miles runs are killing me. And I get a 5-miler on Thursday. Yay…

I know the extra weight will come off and I will get back to my normal speed soon. I am just worried that Steven will be so far ahead of me that we won’t be able to stick together during the half marathon. I don’t think he is going to want to slow down for me. And I don’t want him to have to… but I don’t want to run the whole damn thing by myself!

*I have to remember to approach things (books, movies, games, etc. – NOT PEOPLE) with lowered expectations. If you approach something with too high of expectations, it never lives up to your standards. I’ve become much better about doing this with movies, but apparently not with books.