Yesterday was our first run of the new year, in Steven’s parent’s very, very hilly neighborhood.
When we were driving into their neighborhood on Thursday, I thought, “Wow! These hills will make a good challenge!”
Ugh. My quads are so stiff today.
Steven used his new training watch to keep us at our normal pace, 6 mph (10-minute miles). I was struggling though. I was out of breath, my heart rate was too high, my nose was running like crazy… yay.
And I suppose the fettuccine alfredo, curly fries, sesame seed bread, mozzarella sticks, pie and soda from the day before weren’t helping me feel any better.
I think I am going to have to slow down my pace a bit, and build it back up for the half marathon. I’m kind of disappointed in myself for slacking so much in the last month and a half. I knew I was going to have to cut back on exercise and be less strict with my eating during the holidays, but it got a bit out of hand. And I let it.
But at the same time, 2008 was a very good year for me (and Steven!), health-wise, and I should be proud of myself for that. I not only ate healthy (most of the time) and lost some weight, but stuck with running. I’ve gone on and off running a few times. But now, I feel a deep commitment (and desire!) to it that I haven’t felt before. It’s great to be training with Steven, and we are both really excited about running a half marathon.
And now, with the holidays over, I am excited to reevaluate my exercise schedule and recommit.
So, I started running in intervals on the tread mill. I think about you and all the races you’ve done and it seriously helps push me along. Thanks!
Gina (Mannyed) – Good for you! I can’t wait to hear more about your training. I’m so proud of you π
I hate running hills, always have.
Sadly, I can’t leave my house in any direction without running across a hill somewhere. I’d love to go down to the high school track and just do laps.
My wife on the other hand, could run hills all day. She’s a damn goat!
I wish we weren’t so mismatched athletically. I’d love to run with her.
ajooja – What a bummer! I cannot keep up with Steven on the hills either. How do these people do it?
OMG, hills!?!? i can’t believe you were even timing yourself! who can keep up a normal pace on HILLS!?
i think i need an exercise buddy. it’s slow going trying to motivate myself all by my lonesome.
Alice – Do you have anyone you can run with? It will help, but it won’t make any hills less bearable! I found THAT out the hard way.
Your running posts inspire me. Really, they do. I love that you guys are committed to running OUTSIDE. I used to run outside in CRAZY weather. But, I’ve become intimidated by the cold. The snow. The everything. But … 1/2 marathon training officially begins this weekend … and I’ve told myself I WILL run outside whenever possible. You are my inspiration!
SoMI’s Nilsa – Thank you Nilsa π I prefer to run outside! It much more interesting. The run goes by much faster! Good luck starting your training!