Last week I went to a coworker A’s* desk for some training. When I got there, she was in the middle of a conversation with coworker B. I think they were complaining about their family and the holidays. I felt kind of weird interrupting their personal conversation, so when they were done talking, I asked coworker B where she is from, kind of trying to break the awkwardness.

“Champaign,” she answered.

“Oh,” I said, “I’ve never been there! How far away is it? There is a half marathon there in April and I was thinking about training for it.”

“It’s only two and a half hours away! This is the inaugural race – I was thinking about training for it too – how far away do you live?”

That’s when I broke it to her that I live in the boondocks and we wouldn’t be able to train together. But we did go on to discuss the gym in the building, and talk about our exercise routines for a bit.

I tried to keep the conversation short though. The day before, I had told coworker A about a 5K, and she said “You’re a runner? I couldn’t even jog a minute!”

I tried to encourage her and said, “That is how I started off!” but I stopped and left it at that. In my experience, people don’t want to talk to you about running or exercise, or whatever fitness thing you are into, unless they are into it as well (this generalization does not apply to all of you wonderful readers though – you’ve given me tons of support, no matter what your routine is – and I thank you!). That is why I cut the other conversation short as well. I don’t want to get on people’s nerves, talking about exercise.

I hate that I feel like that though. I want to talk about what interests me, and I want other people to care. Is that too much to ask for? I feel like it is, when it comes to exercise and running. There are only a few people I feel really listen to me (and again, I am not talking about the blogosphere). It just hurts… to be so passionate about something, but mention it and get… nothing.

I consciously try to listen and ask questions when other people are talking about their interests. I really enjoy learning about what other people are interested in. Maybe some people just don’t.

Please tell me – do you hate it when people talk about exercise? Do you feel like they are bragging? Do you get bored? Does it make you feel guilty? What is it? What is too much?

Steven and I often talk about how no one (again, in the REAL world) seems to care much about our running. I don’t expect people to remember when we are running or be enthused, I just want people to act like they care when we talk about it. Or maybe ask, “How did the race go?” “How is your training going?” “Do you run in this cold weather?”

Maybe I am too selfish.

*Sorry for the confusing… titles. I just wanted to keep them straight. It isn’t really important who the conversation was with, just that they were coworkers.