I actually have good news about my goal to eat slower.

I’ve been consciously putting my fork down between bites, chewing slowly and thoughtfully, and waiting to pick up the fork and get a small bite AFTER my mouth is empty.

And it’s been working! I’ve noticed my meals are lasting longer, and I feel full sooner.

I didn’t realize it until I started working on this, but I had been basically shoveling food into my mouth. Now, when I reach for more food, I actually stop myself and wait until I am done chewing. It sounds dumb, but it is really helping.

The other day, Steven finished his meal at Subway before me. This never happens. But this time, I was eating slow and really talking a lot.

So Steven is sitting there, waiting for me to finish and says, “Is there a speed somewhere between fast and… that?”

Ha ha.

Remember my other goal, actually, goals, from the beginning of the month? Let’s revisit them. I’ll cross out the ones that I accomplished:

  • I posted here every day That kind of happened
  • I finished drawing the sketch of a friend’s home based on measurements I took in… June – I didn’t do this, and still feel guilty
  • I actually opened the LEED book I borrowed from my father-in-law last winter and READ it
  • I gave Steven the photoshop lessons I’ve been promising him – guilty about this too
  • I wrote a letter to my friend Rixa, who lives in Rome – working on this today!
  • I finally visited my new nephew! (We plan on it)
  • I ran another 5k (with Steven)
  • I got rid of some of the jiggle in my butt and thighs – But not through toning, just through exercise
  • I lost ten pounds

So I guess writing goals down may or may not be an effective method for me!