I actually have good news about my goal to eat slower.
I’ve been consciously putting my fork down between bites, chewing slowly and thoughtfully, and waiting to pick up the fork and get a small bite AFTER my mouth is empty.
And it’s been working! I’ve noticed my meals are lasting longer, and I feel full sooner.
I didn’t realize it until I started working on this, but I had been basically shoveling food into my mouth. Now, when I reach for more food, I actually stop myself and wait until I am done chewing. It sounds dumb, but it is really helping.
The other day, Steven finished his meal at Subway before me. This never happens. But this time, I was eating slow and really talking a lot.
So Steven is sitting there, waiting for me to finish and says, “Is there a speed somewhere between fast and… that?”
Ha ha.
Remember my other goal, actually, goals, from the beginning of the month? Let’s revisit them. I’ll cross out the ones that I accomplished:
- I posted here every day That kind of happened
- I finished drawing the sketch of a friend’s home based on measurements I took in… June – I didn’t do this, and still feel guilty
- I actually opened the LEED book I borrowed from my father-in-law last winter and READ it
- I gave Steven the photoshop lessons I’ve been promising him – guilty about this too
- I wrote a letter to my friend Rixa, who lives in Rome – working on this today!
- I finally visited my new nephew! (We plan on it)
- I ran another 5k (with Steven)
- I got rid of some of the jiggle in my butt and thighs – But not through toning, just through exercise
- I lost ten pounds
So I guess writing goals down may or may not be an effective method for me!
Yeah, I was thinking of that today when I woofed down six White Castles and fries faster than my son could eat two. Ooooops. π
I’ve been a slow eater since I can remember. It was something that my mom taught me to “chew your food well” and it’s stuck ever since. And it does help you eat less.
And nice to see some of the goals crossed off. That’s way cool.
ajooja – Yesterday we took a small plate of cookies over to our neighbors because it was the father’s birthday. They gave a cookie to their 3-year-old (or is she 4? Shit! I don’t remember. It’s all that damn soy…) and I think she took 20 mins to eat it. 20 MINUTES!!! I was looking at her, envious that I cannot savor a cookie for that long. And I think they gave her half a cookie. Kids. Sigh.
martymankins – i am happy to hear that – it’s once less thing you will have to fight!
I’ve heard that idea for years… putting down the fork or other silverware between bites. That’s a lot of work. I don’t know if I have the discipline to do it. Plus, if I get full and don’t finish my food, it’s such a waste. There are starving children in Ethiopia that would be more than happy to have the food I waste.
Have I made enough excuses yet? π
Seriously, though, I should try it. I’m envious of you right now.
this sounds awesome, not that it was your intent but I like a monthly goal list and then checking back.
yes, there probably is a speed in between but if you are where you are comfortable then it really doesn’t matter π
I need to write down some goals!
Congrats on getting through some major ones. π
Lists are ALWAYS a good thing!!! π
kapgar – LOL! I totally WAS NOT buying your excuses at all! π Give it a try. It’s hard as first. It’s still hard. I couldn’t do it last night with popcorn! NO WAY!
de – And the list is about 50% complete…. that is good….. right?!?!?! π π
sizzle – Thanks π Putting them here made me feel a little more responsible. I need to find time to work on the others though.
SJ – Hee hee. I miss your lists! π
YAY – congrats on the goals you DID achieve. Just because you haven’t crossed them ALL off yet doesn’t mean you won’t get to them. Maybe now those remaining ones will become higher priorities than the ones you will add to the list.
I am so glad the putting the fork down thing works. I’m definitely working on that one as well as adding more exercise.
teeni – That is what I was hoping. That seeing this list would make me get serious on the last few bits π
Great job Kim!! You’ve really accomplished so much in a mere 31 days. π
Lately I’ve been conscious of how fast I’m eating, and realizing it’s not good for me…but not doing a whole lot about it. I need to work on it too!
diane – Thanks π I think now is the time to work on it! I am hoping to perfect the art of eating slow for the holidays – then I won’t have anyone trying to push food onto my plate π
hehe you did well!!!!! I am almost scared to write down my November goals!!!!
that’s awesome that you crossed off some of your goals!!! very motivating too i might add!!! YAY for you!!!
Felicia – Because you think you won’t do them? π
CourtneyInControl – Thanks π