You know what has made following a healthy lifestyle SO MUCH EASIER? Having Steven doing it with me, as well as supporting me and encouraging me.
Sometimes you aren’t lucky enough to have a support system. Sometimes the people around you, the ones you live with and would expect to be the most supportive, are condescending and negative. Or downright spiteful, manipulative and intent on sabotaging your plans.
I haven’t dealt with this in an extreme way, but I think all of us who have tried to be healthier have felt resistance from other people at some point in our lives.
We were talking about this this weekend, and it dawned on me how important it is to have a support system. And how lucky I am to have Steven in this with me, but also all of you, who continue to read this drivel and encourage me. Thank you.
It seems silly to only be realizing this now. I mean, how many health magazines articles have I read talking about this? “Exercise with a friend to keep the weight off for good!” “Cook healthy meals, together!” “Share your weight loss plan with family and friends!”
I guess I didn’t realize how lucky I am, because I have grown accustomed to it. Accustomed to Steven making healthy meals, running with me, asking how my weight loss is going, etc. Accustomed to his encouragement.
And only now that I think about it, I realize all of the times I’ve been unsuccessful in weight loss, I’ve been on my own. Yeah, I’ve lost the weight, but did I keep it off? No. I am almost strong enough. But not quite. Maybe some people are.
I think I at least need someone I can talk to about it, without feeling embarrassed.
To have that, and more, I am grateful.
bobbi+ – I think telling people about it, and being committed to it in a public way really helps too 😉 Of course, you know that!
i am total crap at sticking to an exercise program unless i have someone else there with me. i need to know i’ll be letting someone down by not showing up, because just letting myself down isn’t enough to keep me going ;-P
My wife and I are each other’s own worst enemy when it comes to weightloss.
I love her so much I’d rather take her out to eat instead of eating something “healthy” at home. When we get to the restaurant, we both lament that they don’t always healthy alternatives.
Our love, our comfort with each other, has turned into the ultimate excuse for both of us.
We’re stupid. 🙂
My wife and I joined the gym in April 2007. She’s been a few times. I’ve been a bit more (before this week), but we tried to motivate ourselves to go, but it was hard. She’s been wanting to lost about 45 pounds for the last few years. She lost almost 20 before the wedding, but has since put back most of that (we both like to eat out). I’ve tried to be a support person for her, but there’s times when that doesn’t work too well. Eating at home, I do most of the cooking and fix mostly healthy things like veggies, fruits, salads, etc. So in a way, I’m still supporting, but I’d like to help more. Maybe with the start of my exercise program this week will be some motivation. We still have 18 months left to our gym membership, so that’s always an option.
It was a very interesting time when people close to me went from skeptical to supportive and even emulative. I agree with you 100%…it’s a lifestyle change, and while you always have it within you to do it, having the support makes a HUGE difference. I’m grateful for all the support I’ve received as well! (including you, one of my favorite cheerleaders!!)
It’s always much better to have not only someone around who supports you but who also does it with you. When Shawn and I were both on the health vibe about 5 years ago, we ate well, went to the gym every night and one or the other of us dragged both of us away from crap.
Now, he totally supports me but uh, he needs to get his 45 snacks by Hostess out of the kitchen!
I completely agree. It’s hard to live a healthy lifestyle when the people around you are still eating pizza and ice cream, smoking, or otherwise making unhealthy life choices. I’m glad you’ve got a good support system!
I’m always amazed at diane’s willpower… I try to support her in her fitness quest as best I can, and like exercising with her…. But I’m always eating something she can only wish she could — a bacon-cheese chicken-burger and fries was last night’s example. Hey, it has chicken – it must be health food! *rolls eyes*
I don’t know how she keeps from giving-in! (I try to eat healthy things around her, but as often as not, it doesn’t happen…)
Aww 😉 Don’t forget, you are helping me too!
What a sweet, sweet man! My husband is also a kick-ass supporter of mine and it makes all the difference in the world. Being in love with your best friend is the best gift!
you two are so sweet together!!! and you are so right, having a support system helps like you wouldn’t believe!!! you both rock!!!
Alice – And that is why it works so well! Because some of us would rather disappoint ourselves than others 😉
ajooja – But it’s still support. It’s still a loving relationship. If you want to become healthy together, I think you could transform that love.
martymankins – Is your wife doing the program with you? I bet that would be a huge amount of support – you could work on it together!
diane – So the believers finally started believing and became followers?! FINALLY!
Hilly – Isn’t it hard when one of you can have those snacks around and not gorge themselves but one of you can’t? We are struggling with that too.
Angela – Oh yes. When someone is eating something “bad,” I want it too. I want it even more than ever!
E – At least you are considerate and thoughtful though! I know you’ve been a huge help!
Steven – Even when I tell you you are slowing down and speeding up when we run together? 😛
Amy – You are so right. 🙂 We’re lucky 😉
CourtneyInControl – Is DC your support system? 😉