I slipped on my favorite pair of Asics the other night for a walk.


I haven’t worn them in such a long time, I forgot how comfortable they feel. Perfect support. Nice snug fit, but airy and breathable.

All day today, I was fantasizing about going running outside when I got home. This is strange because I haven’t truly exercised since May of 2007 (despite resolutions made here)… and probably wouldn’t be able to run more than a minute. Of course, I never found out. I sat on my bum all night.

But I miss the way running makes me feel. I miss feeling like my day isn’t complete until I get a run in.

Maybe, just maybe, I will go on a jog this weekend.

I don’t expect you to humor me, because I have written something very similar before. I guess, just humor me while I continue to write about health, exercise, weight-loss blah blah blah for as long as it… humors me.