I guess I am an even bigger snob that I thought!

Steven and I simultaneously decided we need a vacation yesterday. But I started spurting out places like Australia, Austria, and Egypt. And I even said “Maybe we should go to the library and look at books about England, Scotland and Ireland!”

Then he said, “Why don’t we stick to the US?”

Hmm… none of my fantasy vacations have taken place in the US! I don’t even know where to begin! I did pull out my copy of 1000 Places to See Before You Die – US & Canada for ideas, but it’s so specific. I’m not sure if that’s the best place to start.

So, it’s time for your suggestions! We don’t want the trip to be 100% educational (so no Washington D.C.), but more recreational (I guess) and relaxing. I already asked, and Walt Disney World is out of the question. We’re both especially interested in California or the New England area, but not anywhere super hot and humid (so maybe we should go to Canada!). Any tips or ideas?