A few bullets for you:

  • Regarding our noisy and disruptive neighbors: We’ve been in contact with the owner of their townhome, the management company, and our townhome association. Each of them expressed concern and had a course of action they would follow to try to take care of it. We’ll see how noisy the neighbors get this weekend…
  • I received the last government issued ID card in the mail I signed up for using Ilax as my last name. So now I don’t really have any excuse not to change my last name now, unless… it will mess up my stimulus check?
  • Until now, I haven’t used anything I learned in college in real life. But I just started working on a major library programming study – something I actually dabbled in a bit in school. A friend and I designed a Mediathéque in Montréal (click here and here). I am excited to work on something new at work.
  • A lot of my older colleagues use figures of speech I have never heard before… therefore, I have no idea what they are talking about when they try to emphasize something…
  • Every time we buy a new bag of cat food for Data, he acts all snobby the first time we feed it to him. He’ll wait hours before he eats it. HOW DOES HE KNOW IT’S FROM A NEW BAG?!
  • More and more, I wish I could just write whatever I want here, with out being so completely vague sometimes. I have a lot I would like to say.