Steven emailed me on Monday with the Subject: Happy Anniversary! He then proceeded to tell me that our 6-month anniversary was last Saturday, March 1st, but he forgot to say something.
I actually had to look at a calendar. And count the months off on my fingers. Twice. It doesn’t feel like it’s been six months since we got married!
Half-year milestones probably become less and less significant the longer you have been with someone. But for me, along with the acknowledgment of six happy months of marriage, this milestone is a reminder to take life more seriously.
I often have this “I am so young, I can do it later attitude.” This attitude’s a little bit different from procrastination, because I still do all the things I need to get done on a daily/weekly/monthly basis. The things I am talking about “doing later” are some of my life goals. (Yeah, now that I think about it, I am kind of just repeating Monday’s post)
I was specifically planning on beginning to study for the ARE (Architect Registration Exam)Β and LEED exam (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) after the wedding. Of course, my excuse before the wedding was that I was so busy making all these decisions that there was nothing else I could focus on. Now what’s my excuse? What have I been focusing on for the last six months? How does time slip away from us like this? It really kind of worries me, how my weeks are a blur of work, and my weekends are me trying to have some fun, but catch up on chores and sleep. I really don’t want to live my life in a blur.
Anyway, I’ll make sure I remember the 1.5 year milestone, and I’ll definitely remember the 1 year mark! We’ll just see what I have accomplished by then.
I have no words of wisdom. I’m still hashing out my thesis. But maybe we can set some goals for ourselves for ’08! Let’s get these important things out of the way and make them start working for us! Um…think I’ll go take a nap now.
Well, from and old married broad (13 yrs this September) I do have a few words to pass a long. The first is that there is such a thing as “Married Time”, and it moves contrary to the normal time line. You cannot measure your life in married time because it is sometimes 1 day = 24 hours x 15 angst – 2 apology + 16 mulling, -2225 chores and expectations. Sometimes it is 1 day = 24 hours – 16 sleeping (no idea why) x 14 bliss – 1628 lost to the ether + 1.
When you factor in the normal life time line, basically it’s 1 day = 24 hours + 16 for all the other stuff you are expected to do – 120 for what is actually possible. So really, you are just working in reverse, and soon you’ll only be expected to accomplish what you did in first grade (I think that is why so many people take scheduled naps as they get older.)
You life will come as it is able. After a big event like getting married, things really DO change in small ways that you don’t necessarily notice, but cause major shifts overall. It’s now that you notice where you are that you can guide in another direction – and if you think about it, it’s RIGHT on schedule.
like Mannyed said, i have no words of wisdom either… i know what you mean about not wanting to live life in a blur… somehow time just flies by… i want to set a goal too!!! we can do this!!
Maybe the key is to break your larger goals into smaller, manageable pieces. So you have 2 exams to study for… do you have all the books/study guides you need? Start by getting what you need together. Then if possible, break the tests into separate sections you can work on.
Make a list of smaller tasks and deadlines to keep you accountable and so you can see your progress. Maybe try to set aside a small chunk of time each day (or certain days of the week) to work on a few questions, read a section of info, or make flash cards. If you have somewhere you can set up and leave your stuff, you’ll be able to devote spare time to it more easily.
That’s how I’d probably try to tackle it anyway. Now if I could just figure out what I should be focusing on… ‘cuz damn, it’s already March!
I’m not married, and I can certainly relate to the “blur” part! I can’t believe I’ve been at my current job for almost 6 months already. And in that time, I feel like people I care about and things I like to do have been slowly slipping-away from me; that work has started consuming my life, and I find it more disturbing than I ever imagined 10, 5, 3, even just 2 years ago.
It makes me sad, as D has probably mentioned at some point… π I suppose the problem relates to the old bar psychology of personal greetings: does the other person define who they are by what they do for a living, or do they define who they are by other elements of their life (which may only just happen to relate to their work in some way)?…… Like most white-collar professionals, I would guess, I’ve probably fallen in the former camp more than I care to admit.
I blame working. The times in my life when I’ve been unemployed for some reason are the times when I felt like I could really get things accomplished on a personal level. That’s when I’ve been my most creative. When I have to be at work for nine hours every day, I’m too exhausted and brain-dead by the time I get home to want to do anything. I’m lucky if I can figure out how to operate the remote control!
I love my job, and am so grateful for it, but it sure is draining. And all those days flow past while I stare at a computer screen with my back to the world.
Gina (Mannyed) – I would rather take a nap too. It seems that is what I do every weekend!
Kyra – Ha ha ha. I am not that good at math π But it is funny how there are all this small little changes that I wasn’t expecting!
CourtneyInControl – I have my goals set, but wanting to relax on the weekend just kills them! Oops!
claire – I think that is a great idea! Maybe I could focus on reading ONE chapter of the study book each night! Then I would at least be done in 30 days or so (well, if it has 30 chapters!).
E – I have always been resistant about not letting work define me – but only in my mind. It seems that when you are dedicated and care about what you do, it is hard not to become that way π
SJ – Draining and exhausted – exactly how I feel. I just can’t believe I am going to feel this way for at least 40 more years of my life! Yikes! I better figure out something NOW!
the routine of wake up, work, come home, make dinner, try to eek out some quality time with each other, maintain the home, maintain some friendships, etc, etc, etc really does take up more time than one imagines. Add to that the fact that most jobs are draining and leave you exhausted makes it hard to pull out of those routines to do anything else. I had to sign up for classes to kick my butt in gear to get me focusing on hobbies as well as the daily grind…
I hope you find what works for you!!!