A regret

I really wish I would have taken measurements (hip, waist, chest, etc.) on January 1st.

Or at least when I started strength training again on August 14th.

My body has had a lot of physical changes and it would be nice to have a measurement beyond weight and “this fits now” or “this is getting looser” or “I can see definition in my shoulders.”


I could always start now!

Reading Update (2023 #56-58)

During this time I also got more than 50% through The Candy House by Jennifer Egan and couldn’t keep going. Each chapter was in a different style about a different character in the story and they were getting too outlandish in style. 

[56] The Summer of Broken Rules by K.L. Walther
Young Adult Fiction / Social Themes / Dating & Sex, saw on Available Now on Libby, audiobook

Synopsis: It’s the summer between senior year of high school and college, and Meredith is headed to Martha’s Vineyard with her family for their annual summer vacation, which will end with a family wedding. Meredith is uneasy though – it’s been eighteen months since her older sister Claire unexpectedly passed away and Meredith isn’t sure she can handle being in a place with so many memories of her, especially when the family elects to play Assassin – Claire’s favorite summer family game. Meredith wants to win the game for Claire, but finds herself distracted by a certain groomsmen who agrees to form an Assassin alliance with her.

Review: Ha, I should have read that this was YA before I checked it out. That’s on me. The story was cute, but it was very YA. I finished it because it wasn’t horrible or annoying it was just… very YA.

Recommend? No

[57] A Winter in New York by Josie Silver
Fiction / Romance / Romantic Comedy, saw on @rocknreader’s account, Kindle version

Synopsis: Gosh. This premise is so stupid I’m having a hard time describing it seriously. Iris fled a horrible relationship in London and headed to the city her late mother loved – New York City. She misses her mother terribly, especially the super top secret hush hush gelato recipe her mom would make her. While at a street fair with the one friend she’s made in NYC, Iris sees a gelateria she swears is in a photo of her mother’s. She checks the photo and confirms it, then heads back there the next day to check it out, and meets handsome Gio, who runs the gelateria, but can’t make gelato anymore because the one family member who knew the recipe had a stroke and forgot it. Iris figures out her mother’s recipe is the same as the family recipe (gasp!), and offers to help them figure it out, without giving it away that Gio’s dad gave his mom the recipe. Sorry, that was the best I could do.

Review: Did I mention how dumb this premise is? This entire book is based off of Iris telling lies and knowing she needs to tell Gio the truth but putting it off. I HATE THIS PLOT LINE. HAAAAAAAAAAATE IT. Also, why would they want a random stranger (who, yes, happens to be a chef) to come every day and try to help them crack their family gelato recipe? Gawd, this book was just dumb. Iris is weepy and makes dumb decisions, Gio is underdeveloped, and the loud Italian family is the only sort of saving grace. Also, some things are left unresolved, and the ending is completely silly and unbelievable. Just, no.

Recommend? Um, no

[58] Taste: My Life Through Food by Stanley Tucci
Biography & Autobiography / Culinary, saw in “Available Now” on Libby, audiobook

Synopsis: Stanley Tucci shares snippets of his life through food – his mother’s Italian cooking, dining on the cheap when he was a poor actor, eating on set, trying different restaurants all over the world, cooking at home, and his relationship with food while he was treated for and recovered from oral cancer.

Review: I picked this out because I wanted something to listen to and thought it would be nice to listen to Stanley Tucci. It was. I enjoy his voice, the way he read his book, and his sense of humor. However, it’s, um, mostly about food, and I’m not a foodie, so it was a bit boring (especially listening to the recipes), and there were some descriptions of killing animals that I didn’t enjoy. I did enjoy the little stories from his life and time on sets, but mostly, it was just not for me. I need to stick to non-food based memoirs.

Recommend? If you love food, yes

Shorewood Hot Cider Hustle Half Marathon Race Report

What a day! I’m so glad I signed up for the Shorewood Hot Cider Hustle Half Marathon!

I had an amazing race – I felt great and performed much better than I thought I would, and I made two new friends. Woo hoo!

But let’s start at the beginning. Feel free to skip ahead to the actual run portion.

Pre Race

There were many warnings about getting to the race early and carpooling (oops – not an option for me) because parking would be scarce. You don’t need to tell me twice!

I was also doing race morning packet pickup and they said that was “not recommended” so I wanted to give myself plenty of time for that.

So I got up right before my 5:00 alarm at 4:55, left the house by 6:00 and was parked by 6:45. For an 8:30 race. Ha. (But I am glad I did – that parking lot filled up quick and got chaotic, and it was so nice to have my car nearby and not take the race shuttle in from remote parking.)

I was there before the volunteers were even at packet pickup! I got to listen to the speech where they explained to them what to do.

I got my quarter zip and bib, used the porta potties (with no lines!) then went back to the car and finished the podcast I was listening to, goofed off on Instagram, and got out to use the potty again, hide my rock, and walk around a bit to warm up my legs.

I went back to the car and took off my sweatshirt and got my handheld and went over to line up. I figured I’d line up by the 11:00 pace flag, but the flags only went up to 10:00, so I got behind that.

My goal for the race was to run a comfortable pace, ideally average 11:00 minute miles, which looking up now, would be a 2:24:12 race (my average pace for my long runs all summer was around 12:00/11:30, and has only recently dipped toward 11:00). I planned to track my run with my Garmin, but have time of day on my screen, not my pace. I wanted to run by feel.

While I was waiting, I started talking to the runners on either side of me when they started saying how cold they were (I did not relate, ha). We commented on how we all went there by ourselves (they said that made them feel weird, but I didn’t – I don’t mind being alone at all), and shared our plans. Danielle had run a few halves and really wanted to get under 2:20. She did it in training, but it always eluded her on race day. She was going to start out slow then dial in the pace. It was Kelly’s first half, and she just wanted to finish. She had trained up to about 10.25 in training. I told them I was hoping to average 11:00s but never look at my watch, ha (and they asked me how many halves I’ve done. I guessed about 30 and looked it up when I got home – this was my 34th).

So you can guess what happened. We ran most of the race together!


The 5K and half marathon both started at 8:30. I was a bit worried about congestion, because we were mostly going to be running on the Oak Leaf Trail, but most of the start of the race was on the road, and it wasn’t too bad. I think I only felt like I was going to run into someone a few times.

Me (purple), Danielle (pink), & Kelly (black)

Danielle was paying close attention to pace since she had a pace goal, and called our first mile in around 10:30 and I was like (mentally) “Well, f*ck. I don’t want to positive split the hell of this thing. Should I slow down?” Then I was like “nah! Yolo! F*ck it!” That could have gone really badly, but thankfully, I didn’t.

Just after mile 1 we got onto the path and the 5K folks went one way and we went the other, and it was instantly less congested. Yay. The three of us could run side by side for a lot of the race and not be in anyone’s way.

When we started, it was cloudy, with full coverage, and we got sprinkled on a few times. It felt great. Nearly perfect race weather to start – 47°F and no wind. We clocked off miles 2 and 3 in 10:14 and 10:07, and just kept chatting and getting to know each other (I would look down at my watch when it buzzed my split but other than that it just had the time of day on the screen).

Most of our miles were around 10:00 after that, except one, which you can probably guess why!

We ran pretty far south on the trail near Milwaukee (oh, I should note this race started in Shorewood, a city north of Milwaukee) and did a 180° turn at 4.5 miles. I felt really good, but my stomach was a bit upset. I got my period the day before the race (yay, great timing!) and my stomach always feels a bit off then. I decided to ignore it.

At some point after we turned, the sun came out, and we were all “huh?!”. Ha. The forecast had shown overcast and rain, and we all commented on how we were overdressed. But not too badly.

There was a person in this photo but I removed them, ha

The trail was absolutely beautiful with all the fall colors. And mostly flat, which was a bonus!

Right after we passed mile 8, which was the middle of the second out and back, I saw there were porta potties, and said I was going to stop if it was “green” (unlocked). Kelly said she needed to too and would stop if two were green. Only one was green but we stopped any way (and Danielle went ahead) and I am so glad we did. I knew there would not be any more until the second 180°  turn close to mile 11 and that was too far away to hold it.

We both went to the bathroom and that mile was 11:02 <– the pace I thought I was going to run the whole thing in! Ha!

Kelly and I sped up a bit too much for mile 10 (9:46) then reined it in. I had told Kelly and Danielle early on that I felt like I had a lot of pep and could take off and do a fast finish, and Kelly told me to go a few times, but I was like “nah, I want to cheer you on and be with you for your first half finish!”

So she got cheerleader Kim. And she did so well – we kept a steady pace for those last few miles and finished in 2:14:49, an average 10:17 pace (it was 56°F when we finished). I was ECSTATIC. I could not believe I ran 13.1 and it felt so easy and it was with a minute per mile pace that starts with a 10! Slow long runs really do pay off.

Of course, this made me excited to run another half. I thought I’d be all alone for this one, but I was with people the whole time and it just flew by. And I run faster when I talk, and I talked for most of it, naturally (Kelly said “you’re so easy to talk to!” which made me feel really good).

Oh! And Danielle was at the finish with her family and she ran a 2:11:00! Nine minutes under her goal!!!!

I felt very lucky that I got to be part of Kelly’s first half, and part of Danielle’s sub 2:20 day. I’m so proud of them both!

Post Race

Post race was a bit confusing on where to get our water and medals, but thankfully Danielle had just done it and told us where to go. We picked up our caramel apples, met Danielle’s husband and kids, then parted ways! Of course, we have a group text now so we can cheer each other on and stay in touch.

I went to my car and changed my shirt and got out my protein shake to drink, then went to Blooming Lotus treats, a gluten free & vegan bakery nearby, to get some goodies to try.

Then I drove home! (and made a salad to eat, took a bath, then wrote this, then tried the donuts which tasted more like cake than donuts, but were delicious!)


You could pick from a long sleeved tee or 3/4 zip. I was originally thinking tee but then thought about how much I used the 3/4 zip I got from another race, so I picked that. Then got this one and realized it’s not tech gear, and has all the sponsors on the back (blah) but I will wear it a bit!

We also got a medal, a mug, and a caramel apple. I was surprised that was the only post race food, but maybe there was something else that I missed! (I completely missed the hot apple cider and forgot about it until I saw a photo of someone holding it in the race photos.)


I wore my headphones the whole time and had music going quietly while we talked. I am still figuring out how to use those headphones and accidentally called the salon when trying to skip a song (there must be some combination of presses that dials the last number you called).

I was stoked there would be free race photos and kept watching for them on the course and they were at mile 12.9 , and at the finish (and apparently the start). Womp womp. I included the start and finish photo in this post. I am hoping the mile 12.9 one comes in nice. I wish they would have been out on the course, but logistics.

I fueled every 30 minutes/3 miles ish, and had half a packet of Fruit Punch Honey Stinger Chews, an orange Gu, the other half of the chews, then one of my coveted Clif Citrus gels that I have been saving for special occasions like this. I took it around mile 11 and it was delicious. Sigh, I wish they hadn’t stopped making those.

I fueled a lot for this race. The day before I had oatmeal for breakfast, a salad with pasta (goulash) for lunch, and pesto pasta, broccoli, and vegan fried fish for dinner. I had a piece of bread with peanut butter and a banana around 5:30 am, then ate a peanut butter sandwich at 8:10, right before the race started (I normally eat then immediately start my run). It felt like a lot of food but I was full of energy the whole time!

Trying Balayage

Yesterday was the first time I’ve ever had my hair professionally colored (I had balayage done). Sure, I effed around (and found out – boy did I find out) in high school, but I hadn’t messed with my hair color since then. I mean, obviously:

I won’t bore you with the process or details, but I will say I had a great experience and love love loved my new stylist*, who worked out a plan with me to grow my hair out.

And I’m really just coming here to say – I left feeling like a million bucks. Like a new version of Kim. And I loved it. I felt so pretty. I… am not someone who feels pretty often. Cute? Sure. Pretty? Nah.

The stylist asked why I decided to have my hair dyed now, after all this time of never trying it, and I told her about all the physical, mental, and emotional changes I’ve made to take better care of myself this year, and that I decided I wanted some of those physical changes to be appearance-based. Basically, I feel really good, and want to look better. Before I just never gave a sh*t.

It feels good. I really, really, really need to learn how to style my hair though. I want to learn French braids, I still need to take Stephany up on her offer to teach me the curling wand, and really… I just need to watch a lot of YouTube. The problem is I hate watching videos. Maybe I can hire someone to come spend a few hours with me and teach me? Hmm.

*My previous stylist quit, and I didn’t follow them

Setting boundaries makes me feel like a jerk

Even though I know it’s good for me and my mental health, setting boundaries makes me feel like such a jerk.

For example, earlier this week I saw that someone I’m not close with on Instagram sent me a minute long voice memo after trying to call me. It’s only a minute, but I barely want to listen to voice memos from my close loved ones, so I didn’t listen to it. (And I definitely don’t want to take random unplanned calls on Instagram.)

The next day, they DM’d me saying they hoped they didn’t offend me (with the content of the memo?). I guess they were wondering why I never responded. I don’t know what they were talking about since I didn’t listen to it, and basically said that -“you didn’t offend me, I didn’t listen to it.” Then I told them I’m limiting my time on social media and I don’t listen to voice memos or watch reels that (rando) people send me (I watch them if they are reels from a close friend or my snis).

And I felt like such a jerk.*

But I also felt relief in putting that out there. That’s the first time I’ve said a boundary out loud. Most of them are just boundaries I’ve created for myself and haven’t told the other party about, for example:

  • keeping certain relationships on a superficial level because the other person doesn’t provide the support/response I need
  • not spending time with toxic people
  • limiting time with draining people
  • not going to an event because someone else thinks I should

I didn’t even realize those were boundaries until I started therapy this year. I was telling my therapist about the first item, and how I feel bad not sharing things with someone because of their toxic positivity and not getting what I need out of sharing them. I felt like a jerk for withholding. And my therapist said “you aren’t a jerk; you’re setting a boundary.”

Hmm. I never thought about it that way! It’s true. I still hate it – I want to be 100% genuinely myself all the time and hate when I can’t be (and that boundary makes me feel that way) – but it’s true.

*And I acknowledge that I was way more available to people (and responsive) in the past than I am now, so that’s confusing for them

Random Thoughts Thursday 426

  • I forgot to mention we put new pins in our world map the day we came home from Maine! We added Portland, Augusta, Bar Harbor, and Concord. The only northeastern US pins we had in before were NYC and DC!

  • Speaking of pins, I always buy the year’s RAGBRAI pin for me and my mom but when we finished this year we were too far from the merch tent so I decided to order it online after (I had done that another year). Long story long, they took three months to put their merch online and when they did, there were no pins. Womp womp.
  • I got a Halloween mani with Lorena on Saturday! I’ll get pumpkins next week.

  • I have been creating magnets and leaving them in my Shitterfly cart for two months while I waited for them to have their $1 magnet deal and it showed up Tuesday. Look at those “savings!” Whoa!

  • When I first went back to the office I tried to choose a day with as few meetings as possible so I wouldn’t be holed up in a conference room all day while I was there and could socialize with folks. Now I prefer to have a day with more meetings so the day goes by faster. I’m grateful we have more flexibility with picking our face day now and I can move it around!
  • After I booked my trip to LA next month I found out I had to leave for a work trip to Texas the day after I got back. Ugh. I was a bit annoyed – I don’t like to book back to back travel – but then the work trip was postponed last week. Woo hoo!

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 425

3 days away!

Wow, I really hemmed and hawed over running this half marathon on Saturday, and that is so unlike me! I usually make ultra quick decisions.

Questions I was asking myself:

  • Do I want to drive an hour to run?
  • Do I want to run an out and back on a public trail?
  • Do I want to get up early on a Saturday?
  • Do I want to spend that much time away from home on Saturday?
  • Is it a smart financial decision to spend $130 on a race?

And so on and so on.

Then I was googling:

  • Can I run after dying my hair?
  • Will exercise ruin my hair dye?
  • How long do I need to wait to exercise after I dye my hair?

Because I can’t remember if I shared it or not, but I made my hair dye appointment for this Friday! So I’d be running less than 24 hours after getting it dyed.

So I called the salon and they told me it was fine.

Then I signed up for the race.

Woo hoo!

(Other things I was considering:

  • I’m trained for this
  • Running feels really good
  • The weather looks decent
  • This is a treat for me
  • I can relax the rest of the day and weekend if I want to!
  • I can pick up vegan treats after the race)

Cutest Visitors!

We have such a busy and fulfilling October with loved ones! It started with a trip to Arkansas, then we went to Maine a week later, then my snister and her family stayed the night Friday and Sunday night this weekend on their way to and from Detroit (and there’s more – Steven has another trip and we have guests the last weekend of the month)!

This month is FLYING. In a good way!

I totally remembered my snister and her fam were staying the night Friday and Sunday. What did not connect in my brain is that that them staying Sunday meant maybe I should have taken some time off Monday morning? Oops. I realized this last Thursday, logged into work email Friday, and cautiously opened my work calendar to see if I had anything booked, and I didn’t until 10:30 am. Phew. So I was able to take some time off (I normally start at 6:30 or 7:00).

(So that I wouldn’t start late Monday all frantic trying to catch up, I spent an hour on Saturday reading and organizing emails and scheduling responses to go out Monday morning, and I’m glad I did – it wasn’t too bad and didn’t ruin my Saturday.)

Christina (snister), Will, and the kids (William, Leo, & Ella) arrived around 5:00 pm on Friday. We had a fun night of hanging out and eating pizza. The kids loved exploring the house. William had been here when he was little (and Leo, technically, since Christina was pregnant with him), and Ella when she was little too, but none of them remembered it, so they got to be in explorer mode on the first night.

I asked Ella to point to “papa” (what she calls my dad). So sweet!

Apollo did so well with the kids, which tracks – here he is with William (Christina’s oldest) in October 2018:

And here he is with Ella in October 2022. Ha! My snis likes to visit in October!

And here he is on this visit:

Starbuck hung around a little, and Ned and Khali hid. It was a bit loud, ha, so I don’t blame them!

It was fun to play with the kids and also get a chance to have some adult conversation while the kids were watching Netflix. A perfect mix!

They left Saturday morning, and returned Sunday around 3:00 pm. I texted Christina on their way back and asked if they wanted to go to Kroll’s Harvest Farm and she responded with “How did you know that’s what sis wanted?”

Ella was definitely dressed for the day!

We hung out a bit when they arrived, then drove to the farm, and did all the activities – petting zoo,

corn maze,

pumpkin donuts,

and the “hay” ride.

We got there around 4:00 and left around 5:30. It’s a small sized farm with minimal activities, but honestly, I think that was the right size for us!

Then we picked up Thai food and went back to the house and ate with Steven and Will, who had worked on a few projects while we were gone. It was fun to chat and joke around with them.

A few times William had asked if I wanted to paint, which I was hoping he would, because I hadn’t painted in four weeks! So we got everything out and drew and painted (Christina and Leo joined us too).

It felt nice to do it after so many weeks off. I didn’t miss it – I really hadn’t prioritized it and was completely fine with that – but it was nice to see I could still do it, and to sit down and focus on something. We’ll see if I do any more painting this month. I haven’t wanted to get the supplies out at night, and haven’t made time for it on the weekends.

We all called it a night around 8:00 pm which made me happy since that’s when I normally start my end of evening activities and get ready for bed. Perfect guests!

We had breakfast together Monday morning, hung out a bit, then Steven headed off to work, and Christina and fam left shortly after.

We’re so glad they stopped by! It was lovely to see them all and reassuring to see that our house isn’t super kid unfriendly. I was a bit concerned about that before their trip (not about any of my things getting damaged – IDGAF – but about safety for the kids). We just gated off the messy office and it went pretty well. Yay! We hope they visit again soon!

Maine Day 5 – Portland

We had a half day together with Val and Steve on our last day in Maine (Thursday October 12). Our plan was to check out the pond by the house, which we did, and it was absolutely gorgeous. I’m kind of regretting not kayaking on it, but we did so many other fun things.

Then we went to breakfast at The Friendly Toast in Portland, which Kiersten had recommended because they have vegan options. I got the vegan scramble and it was so so good! And Steven and I got a pancake to share that was decent, too. Steven said he liked two of my meals better than his on this trip – this scramble, and the grilled cheese I got Monday.

After that we went to MEow Cat Lounge in Westbrook.

A cat lounge hadn’t even been on our radar and for whatever reason it popped up when I was on my phone Thursday morning so we all decided to go. It was nice – they had a decent sized shop and room with all the cats. It made me realize how much I missed our cats and that I was happy to be on my way home to see them.

We dropped Val and Steve off at the airport (with plans to figure out our next get together soon because we all LOVED spending time together and vibed so well! I figured that would be the case but it made me really happy that it was.) then went back to the downtown Portland area to kill some time. We walked around, dropped off postcards, and I got another vegan donut.

I kept getting compliments on my shirt – at breakfast, at the cat cafe, walking around, at the airport. So nice! My friend Lauren in Australia gave it to me. It’s from KilkennyCat Art.

Then we headed back and dropped off our rental car and went through the very easy security into the tiny airport (they had, what, 14 gates?). I ADORE small airports. And love that they had free wifi so I could do a bit of posting and catching up on Instagram.

Our flight left on time around 4:40 ET. I spent the entire flight writing recaps of the trip and getting all the photos ready. It was a good use of a 2.5+ hour flight! Chicago ORD was so busy, and we landed then taxied for 20 minutes then waited at our gate for another 20. Sigh. Oh, Chicago.

But! When we got to the luggage carousel our bags were just coming out! And we went right to the parking garage and got the heck out of there and were home by 8:30 CT. I unpacked, had a PB sandwich, petted the cats a bit, then went to bed!

We had such a wonderful time in Maine and New Hampshire with Val and Steve. The only thing that would have made it better was it we hadn’t both gotten colds! But we didn’t let it slow us down and still got to see and do so much. I’m really grateful we finally got to see this part of the country, that we had great weather, and great company, and got to see Kiersten and Charlyn too.

These recaps have been very “I did this then this then that” style for ease of writing for me, and because I write separate private posts about inside jokes and other random things from the trip. All that to say, these come off a bit stale and robotic but please don’t interpret that to mean anything other than I am a lazy writer! We had a wonderful time away and it made me really excited to plan something for next year with Val and Steve!

Maine (New Hampshire!) Day 4 – Concord & White Mountain National Forest

On Wednesday (October 11) I woke up finally feeling better and having energy. FINALLY. Unfortunately, Steven now had my cold and felt like garbage. So I took over driving duties, and drove us just over an hour to the New Hampshire State House in Concord.

First though, we stopped at the Starbucks nearby to try to buy the New Hampshire Been There mug. They were out, and Val is so sweet and called all the local Starbucks to ask, and they were all out too. They told us they sell out fast when they do have them, so no New Hampshire mug for me, but I was able to get Maine in the airport the day we left! And I really appreciate Val calling so many of them!

Gah, I got so annoyed at Starbucks. We went inside and stood at the counter forever before they would talk to us. That just makes me bonkers. I was going to get a drink but got so mad I didn’t get anything. Deep breaths, Kim.

Okay, so then we went to the State House. I liked the exterior better than the one in Maine but the interior was pretty blah.

Still very cool to see though! And I liked the urban setting and that it was around shops and restaurants. Val and I went to the running store (where I found some vegan waffles and another pair of Goodrs), and we all got lunch at Dos Amigos Burritos. The burrito was good but the filling inside wasn’t super warm which I don’t prefer – I like the inside of my burrito to be warm.

Ugh, during lunch I had a choking fit. It happened once when I was driving too. I felt like there was something small, like a popcorn kernel, logged in my throat, and I couldn’t breath and my eyes started to water. So frustrating. I left the restaurant and went outside until it subsided then went back in (Steven came out to check on me, aww).

After lunch I drove us to the White Mountain National Park visitor center in Lincoln , and we got tips on what to see on our drive on the Kancamagus Highway. Val had researched the National Forest the day before and found the tip to drive that 35 mile scenic byway and I’m so glad she found it! We told a few locals in Concord we were going and they raved about it.

Steve took over driving after the visitor center and I moved to the navigator seat. We stopped at the Lincoln Woods suspension bridge and were awed by all the fall colors there,

went to a few overlooks that looked the same,

saw a cool waterfall at Sabbady Falls,

intended to read the interpretive signs at the Russell-Colbath House but just goofed around taking jumping photos (we all laughed so hard – Steve said that was his favorite part of the day, and Steven said it made his cold feel better),

and saw the Rocky Gorge.

The National Forest was beautiful and I can see why the person who told us about it liked it better IF what they were going for was fall color, because there was a lot of that there. I’m so glad we went. Again, I would LOVE to explore more of the trails there someday! It would have been cool to see part of the Appalachian trail.

We left the forest and Steve drove us to Revolution Taproom and Grill in Rochester, New Hampshire, where we were meeting Charlyn. I hadn’t seen her since March 1, 2020 when we came back from our Atlanta Olympics Marathon Trials trip! Isn’t that nuts? She moved to Maine about a year ago and I was like “ahh! Will I ever see her again?!”

I’m so glad it worked out to meet up. We got to catch up over appetizers and dinner, and I loved hearing about how different her life is in Maine and how much happier she is. My heart was very full after seeing her and Val and Steve enjoyed meeting her!

I drove us back to the Airbnb, and we got back just after 10:00. I mostly finished writing postcards (about 15?) then we all found out we didn’t win the lottery (womp womp) and called it a night. I got most of my things packed so I wouldn’t have to do it the next day. Poor Steven felt so horrible, and sounded horrible, and did NOT sleep well that night, but I slept much better, just like I had the day before, and hoped his cold would be as quick as mine!

Hi! I’m Kim, a 40-something-year-old living in northeastern Illinois with my husband Steven, and our cats, Khaleesi, Apollo, Starbuck, and Eddard aka Ned. My current main hobbies are running, painting rocks, flying, reading, and eating. I follow a vegan lifestyle and work in an account management role. I write about a variety of topics and consider this a “life” blog – a place I can share anything that’s on my mind. Please visit the “About” page to get a better idea of who I am! 🙂

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