2024 Europe Trip: Day 8, Bruges, Belgium

Day 8, Sunday April 21st! Here’s my short recap from Instagram:

Day 8 (April 21) – ever since seeing In Bruges we’ve wanted to visit, so Steven, Dunja (@waclarissima), and I took the train there on Sunday! We walked around, had brunch, reenacted a scene from the movie 😂, then met up with Anita and her husband and three kids to go up in the tower! Then Dunja had to go and we ate and walked our way across Bruges, as we do.

I was so happy we got to spend so much of the weekend with Dunja. We loved talking to her and made such a connection. And it meant the world to me that Anita drove 3 hours each way with her husband and 3 young children to see us again. I got to see her on the first and last day of our trip and feel so grateful.

All the friends we spent time with there are amazing people that make me feel so much joy. I’m trying to be grateful for the time we had and not sad it’s over!

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Taper & speedwork

This marathon taper, I tell ya. It’s interesting that running so much less can make me feel so tired. I’m just beat every night around dinner time and feel tired when I wake up. I know this is 100% normal but BLAH. Nine more days until the marathon!

Called it quits at mile 7 of my 10 miler today. I felt super sluggish (doing lower body class before my run didn’t help with that!). 

Let’s talk after the marathon. A couple of weeks ago when I arrived at HIIT class a few students “warned” me we’d be running. I laughed – that’s exactly what I want to hear on HIIT day. That’s something I feel confident doing!

And I loved warming up with some running, but the drills in between sets with sprinting? I sucked at those! I still enjoyed them, but had no pickup. I have stiff long run legs.

I gotta get back to speedwork. It’s been years.

So my plan after I recover from the marathon:

  1. Speedwork one day a week
  2. Ride my bike one day a week (I dropped it off yesterday for its yearly tuneup!)
  3. (MOST IMPORTANTLY) Stop eating so freaking much

Random Thoughts Thursday 450

  • Good news! We paid off my car! Fingers crossed nothing happens to it so we can enjoy NOT making a monthly car payment for as long as possible.
  • We noticed Khaleesi had a sore on her mouth Monday last week, and were keeping an eye on it. By Thursday it had gotten bigger and redder so I made a vet appointment for her for Friday morning. Thankfully, it was only an abscess she likely got from bumping it, and it popped at the vet (so so gross). The vet gave her antibiotics and she is feeling so much better! Phew! I hate seeing my babies in pain.

  • We planted some seeds last Sunday –  cucumbers, basil, cilantro, green beans, pea pods, and carrots. We will plant green beans again in June and July. We had a surprise cilantro crop, but sadly, we had sprayed chemicals that morning so we pulled it all and put it in the compost pile.

  • Bobbi and I saw The Fall Guy last Friday and loved it! I laughed so much. It was a perfect movie to see in the theater with all that action. I can never focus on those as well at home.
  • All my Europe Shitterfly magnets came in so I completely redid the fridge (I only put magnets from the last year on there and the rest go on the basement freezer). It’s cheesy, but looking through all these photos of our loved ones and fun adventures over the last year made me feel really happy. The flying photos especially made me excited to fly with Steven this summer after he gets his license.

  • I painted this week after taking a month off! It felt good to paint again.
  • A friend asked me what I am up to this summer, and I actually had plans to share – the Denver marathon (technically in the spring), Stephany visiting and The Popcast Live, a trip to Vail, trips to the river, the Fly-In at the river, wherever Steven flies me for my actually birthday… so much going on. My May is super busy too. This month is going to fly by.
  • Did anyone else read The Idea of You and watch the movie? I cannot believe how much they changed for the movie!!!!

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2024 Europe Trip: Day 7, Brussels, Belgium

Day 7, Saturday April 20th! Here’s my short recap from Instagram:

Day 7 (April 20) – Amy (@crawshawamy) was our tour guide! Amy is a blogging friend of mine from the states who’s lived in Belgium for 30+ years. I met her in person once in the states and had such a great time I made sure Belgium would be a stop on our trip!

Amy took us all over and it was fabulous being with a local who knew what was what (and the language)! Thank you Amy!!! She and Dunja (they’d never met before) got on fabulously and we all had a great day together!

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Kinda forgot about that!

Last week I ordered a new Road ID for my watch band. The elastic had become loose on the one I had, and I wanted to update the blood thinner information on it. When I first went on blood thinners in fall of 2022 I didn’t know which I would be on, but wanted that information on my ID, so I just put “ON BLOOD THINNERS.” Soon after that, I permanently switched over to Warfarin, so I’d been waiting for a reason to update it.

I made the change and placed my order in the morning. During my after work run, I was thinking about my new Road ID as the old one slid up and down my watch band. I thought about all the medical acronyms the Road ID system suggested as I made my new one and it hit me – I have an immune system disorder (Antiphospholipid syndrome) that has an acronym (APS)! I had completely forgotten about it as I made the new ID.

Similarly, I was having a conversation a few days earlier with someone about an immune system disorder they just found out they have and in my mind I was like, “Oh yeah! I have one too! Huh.”

So part of my brain was like “Good work, Kim! APS has become a backstage part of your life. You’re taking care of it but you’re not thinking about it, so much that you forgot you even have it!”

For real, that feels like a success. I was on the struggle bus in late 2022 and early 2023 with this.

The other part of my brain was like “YOU IDIOT! You should have put that you have APS on your Road ID too! DUHHHHHHHHH”

Gah. When I ordered it, the website was like “ArE yOu SuRe ThIs Is FiNaL?!!!” And I was like, “Yeah! I’ve had over a year to think about this change I want to make.”

Apparently I needed to go through the process and order it. Short version of the story,* I was able to change it!

And now it doesn’t slide up and down my watch band! Woo hoo! (And I ordered it in black – my last one was silver.)

*Long version of the story – I finished part 1 of my run and was waiting at my car for Steven to come for part 2 and tired to pull up the order confirmation email I KNEW was still in my yahoo inbox. It would NOT show up in the inbox or anywhere in my email and it was making me freaking IRATE, so much that it kind of soured my run. Awesome, right? I have another post this week that mentions I need to work on not letting nonworking technology make me so angry. Sigh. When I got home and could use my computer, it was right there, in my inbox, and there was a link where you could look at your order then make changes. 

2024 Europe Trip: Day 6, Dresden, Germany to Brussels, Belgium

Day 6, Friday April 19th! Here’s my short recap from Instagram:

Day 6 (April 19) – travel day 🫠 DRS 👉 FRA 👉 BRU. When we arrived in Brussels we were like “um… this just looks like any large US city, where’s all the historic stuff?!” But then we walked a couple minutes and found it 😂

My good friend Dunja (@waclarissima) traveled from her home in Germany to spend this weekend in Belgium with us! She’s another friend I was meeting in person for the first time, and of course, she’s lovely and we had a wonderful time chatting with her!!! Meeting up with local friends like this made this trip really special for us 🥹 I wish I could do it more often!

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Empower Run 5K Race Report

I ran my first race of the year yesterday – the Empower Run 5K for A Safe Place, a local crisis center that provides housing, court advocacy, referrals, and counseling programs for victims of domestic violence and human trafficking.  I found out about the 5K through my gym, WWM. WWM was a sponsor and a bunch of the gym members were participating.

The race was at Independence Grove, our county’s showpiece forest preserve, with a huge man made lake, several miles of paved and crushed dirt trails (with access to longer trails), and several different venues. I’m two weeks out from my marathon so I made the 5K part of my long run. I had originally planned to run there from the house and get another 20 miler in, but I didn’t get enough sleep to do that (nor did I really want to anymore) so I drove there when it opened and ran 10 miles before the race started.

My 10 felt good! I was worried about running so much on pavement (I usually run on crushed stone), but my body did great, except for my left foot “catching” every now and then (for real, I need to watch that so I don’t trip during the marathon).

I watched them set up the race while I ran loops (several people commented after on how they saw me “warming up” and how impressive that was. Aww, thanks.). I stopped to get my packet in the middle of my 10 miler, then I kept on running.

I finished my 10 and got back to my car and changed my shorts and top, put on more sunscreen, and ran right into the group while they were taking the group photo. Good timing!

I hung out with WWM friends and then the race started around 9:00. I noticed right away that we went the wrong way on the course and wondered if our mileage would be off – we were supposed to leave the start and run the paved trail but we took the crushed stone trail. We completely missed the WWM sponsored water stop that was set up at the mile 1 marker (I had passed it several times during my 10 mile run). I really didn’t care if the course was short, just felt bad we were going to miss the WWM sponsored water stop!

I started with friends but was almost immediately by myself. I started toward the middle of the pack and passed a lot of folks in the first mile.

It was a gorgeous day! Low 60s, low wind, 80% humidity. Would have been too warm for a longer race, or a fast 5K. 

My breathing was even and the effort felt easy. My first mile was 10:33.

I was happy to get off the crushed stone and back on paved trail. I carried my own water bottle and kept taking swigs of it. This park has almost no shade and the sun was intense! My second mile was 10:00.

I was running around kids and it always cracks me up how they sprint then walk. One kid took water at the mile 2 stop and tried to run with it, and I told him “It’s okay to walk and drink your water!” and he actually listened to me.

I felt really good at the end and saw one of my WWM friends ahead of me and ran up to her to encourage her. She stuck with me for a bit then I went ahead and finished the last mile in 8:48, passing another woman right before I finished. I thought I might have a chance in my age group (since most of the people seemed to be walking) but the age groups were 15 years, not 5 years, and I was 6th in 31-44 age group.

My final time was 29:43 for a 2.99 m course. I felt great when I finished, and proud of my effort. Being able to run a fast 5K (my average pace for my 10 miler was 11:35) after a long run felt encouraging for the marathon.

I got my medal, hung out with WWM folks and cheered everyone on, then got some snacks and left.

I just love this community I’ve found at WWM. It’s such a wonderful, supportive group.

Oh! I almost forgot to mention! Lorena (my friend and nail tech) was there and walked it with her daughter! I just love this pic she got of the three of us. Lorena joined WWM in the winter and has been consistently going since! I am so proud of her.

After the race I got groceries, and just left my bib and medal on. I had some fun convos about that at Aldi.

2024 Europe Trip: Day 5, Dresden, Germany

Day 5, Thursday April 18th! Here’s my short recap from Instagram:

Day 5 (April 18) – the one thing I wanted to do in Dresden besides meet Katja was to see a castle! So after brunch we went to @schlossmoritzburg. Then we rode the Schwebebahn, which I only found out about from the Dresden Starbucks mug I bought that morning 😂 We ended the evening with a walk 🥹

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2024 Europe Trip: Day 4, Leipzig, Germany

Day 4, Wednesday April 17th! Here’s my short recap from Instagram:

On Day 4 (April 17) we drove from Dresden to Leipzig to meet up with my good friend Katja and her kids. It was our first time meeting in person (as it was with Anita in the Netherlands!) and everything just clicked and we got on like old friends (which also happened with Anita) – because we are! Just internet friends.

We had a lovely day exploring Leipzig, touring the Bach Museum, eating lots of yummy food, and chatting. We made so many special memories 🥹 Katja and her children are wonderful and it was so hard to say goodbye, but I’m also so grateful we got all that time together ❤️

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Random Thoughts Thursday 449

  • Here’s my mani from last week! Next week I will go all pink to match my marathon outfit.

  • As mentioned, I canceled my strength class today to get more sleep. I’m proud of me! It’s hard for me to not start my morning with a workout. I was up at 5:20 to feed the outdoor cats and was like “Ugh! It’s so nice out! I should run!” but I told myself no and got another hour of (fitbull, bad dream filled) sleep.
    • Sidebar – it’s such a weird feeling to be like “I shouldn’t waste this nice weather by sleeping” as if that is the only time the weather will ever be like that again. Weather FOMO.
  • I was out doing grocery pickup Tuesday after work and randomly saw Steven flying back to the airport! He was doing a solo flight to the training area and back.

  • I had cupping done during my massage last week to help with my back, and it’s the first time I’ve had it done since I’ve been on blood thinners. One of the marks was really red! It’s almost faded away now. The cupping felt good and really helped. I totally didn’t care that it left marks, but I did get a few funny remarks at class.
  • We’re planning to do a garden this year. We’ll focus on the things we loved from last year – black krim tomatoes, some baby tomatoes, some Valley Green brand of green beans, basil, cilantro, maybe one cucumber seed? Ha. We didn’t get anything planted indoors before now. Steven put some black krim seeds into soil this weekend to see if they do anything. We’re also going to do succession planting instead of planting everything all at once.
  • REI update – as of Monday it had been a week since I called and I still hadn’t received the box of GUs I ordered.  I called REI and they said it hadn’t shipped yet because a manager has to check it. I asked them to cancel it and refund me (they will) – I ordered them a month ago for a marathon that is 2.5 weeks away. I won’t need them anymore by the time they arrive!!!!

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Hi! I’m Kim, a 40-something-year-old living in northeastern Illinois with my husband Steven, and our cats, Khaleesi, Apollo, Starbuck, and Eddard aka Ned. My current main hobbies are running, painting rocks, flying, reading, and eating. I follow a vegan lifestyle and work in an account management role. I write about a variety of topics and consider this a “life” blog – a place I can share anything that’s on my mind. Please visit the “About” page to get a better idea of who I am! 🙂

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