Summer send-off

Summer send-off

We had such a lovely day yesterday! We took the day off work, flew to Rachel and Kevin’s house in Edgerton, WI, hung out with them on their boat, ate lunch at a restaurant on the water, then flew home! It was such a beautiful (hot!) day – temps in the high...
Flying by Big Boy

Flying by Big Boy

Any steam engine enthusiasts here? No? Yeah, us either. πŸ˜‚ But when we were doing preflight at the airport today, the person who checked the plane out to us called and said “You’re going to Rochelle, right? Someone just posted on the board that some...
Random Thoughts Thursday 463

Random Thoughts Thursday 463

I’m so excited – our German friend Dunja booked a trip with her entire family to our area of the US next summer! We had such a great time together in Belgium and we cannot wait to meet everyone and show them our part of the US! I put a damp washcloth in a...
2024 Abel Island Fly-In: Flying There

2024 Abel Island Fly-In: Flying There

So when I last left off, we knew we were going to the fly-in, yay! But, there was a new problem to solve with the weight and balance of the plane. When Steven did the weight and balance calculations for the trip, he determined we could leave with 25 gallons of fuel,...