Seattle Day 4

Seattle Day 4

Our last day in Seattle (Tuesday 11/26) was a short one! Well, for me and Snis – our flights took off at similar times in the early afternoon. Tiff’s and Val’s took off in the evening so they explored the city a bit after we left. In the morning we...
Seattle Day 3

Seattle Day 3

I’ve been extremely adverse to schedules on vacation lately. Likely because my day-to-day life is so scheduled and I want a freaking break from it. On Sunday night Carrie W (not the Carrie we spent Sunday with but the Carrie we spent Saturday night with…...
Seattle Day 2

Seattle Day 2

I was going to start this post saying how day 2 in Seattle (Sunday 11/24) started out so leisurely, which I LOVE on vacation, but then I was like… “wait, but weren’t we like… out the door for our day by 9:00?!” Then I remembered. I was on...
Seattle Day 1

Seattle Day 1

Seattle trip recap! Let’s do this! I was in Seattle Saturday November 23rd – Tuesday November 26th with Tiff and Val AND MY SNIS! Tiff, Val, and I scheduled this trip right after we saw each other in August and I mentioned it later to my snis and she told...
Surprise above the clouds

Surprise above the clouds

On yesterday’s flight home from Seattle, as we emerged through the layers of clouds above the city, I saw something strange poking out into the sky and thought “WHAT THE HECK.” You just don’t expect to see things above the clouds! It’s...