Yesterday’s run

Yesterday’s run

On my run yesterday I approached a group of women sitting in chairs with a dog off the side of the trail. I was paying attention to see what the dog was doing and the women didn’t really register until I could tell one of them was speaking to me. She said “I wish I...
Random Thoughts Thursday 453

Random Thoughts Thursday 453

Steven’s long solo cross country flight yesterday was a success! (Cross country is landing at an airport 50 nautical miles away from where you started). He flew from Waukegan to Madison (77.7 nautical miles), then from Madison to Oshkosh (61 nautical miles), and...


I just remembered something funny/cringe from the marathon. I wanted to wear a WWM (Workout with Marybel – my gym) top in bright pink. The one I brought also has words on the back that I thought my backpack would cover up – It says “I don’t...
2024 Denver Colfax Marathon Race Report

2024 Denver Colfax Marathon Race Report

Oooo, the Denver Colfax Marathon. What a doozy. Let me give you the highlights then you can really get into the nitty gritty if you want! RESULTS I finished in 5:48:59 – my slowest marathon time to date (this was my 11th marathon). When I signed up for this race...