Training Week 656

Training Week 656

Highlight of the Week: Feeling great on my long run and having lots of time to think. Monday | May 9, 2022: 3 m run Run location: VP Woods, Temp: 70°/72°, Time: 39:30, Pace: 13:10 avg, Difficulty: easy then HARD, Felt: good then BAD Tuesday | May 10, 2022: 40 min walk...
Trolley Run Race Report

Trolley Run Race Report

When Tiff, Val, and I picked the weekend for our trip to Kansas City, I immediately looked into races that were happening because Val runs regularly, and Tiff runs occasionally… so why not? I was excited to see the Trolley Run was going on when we’d be...
Training Week 655

Training Week 655

Highlight of the Week: Feeling great on my Sunday run! <PHOTOS> Monday | May 2, 2022: rest Tuesday | May 3, 2022: 2 mile walk (to and from office) Wednesday | May 4, 2022: 3.3 m run Run location: VP Woods, Temp: 47°/49°, Time: 43:08, Pace: 13:05 avg, Difficulty:...
Training Week 653 & 654

Training Week 653 & 654

Highlight of the Week: Running a race in KCMO with two friends, having a great long run the next week. Monday | April 18, 2022: 40 min treadmill walk Tuesday | April 19, 2022: 40 min walk (to and from office) Wednesday | April 20, 2022: 40 min treadmill walk Thursday...