by kimhastheruns | Apr 15, 2023 | Health + Fitness, Life, Recipes + Food, Rock Painting, Running + Training
A few highlights from the weekend! This weekend started out really busy so I’m going to break it up in to two posts. Thursday Celebrating Bobbi’s birthday two days early! We had dinner at Hacienda Taproom & Kitchen in Milwaukee and our food was...
by kimhastheruns | Apr 6, 2023 | Life, Running + Training, Travel, Work + Design
I have been rushing through everything lately. It’s bad. My mind is like “hurry up and get all these things done so you are closer to relaxation time!” I need to snap out of it. Deep breaths, Kim. I also can’t focus well lately. Related?...
by kimhastheruns | Apr 5, 2023 | Running + Training
I don’t remember why I went to Amazon yesterday to look at running shoes, but I’m glad I did. I saw this: What the what is going on with the redesign of this shoe on the left? The midsole on the 25 is so different than the 24! It looks like a completely...
by kimhastheruns | Apr 1, 2023 | Health + Fitness, Life, Rock Painting, Running + Training, Travel
I’ll be posting monthly check-ins on my 2023 Goals. This is check-in #3! Take care of my health March was a tough month with my diet. I started the month with eating out for every meal in Los Angeles (and really enjoying it!!!!), then when I got back I wanted to...
by kimhastheruns | Mar 30, 2023 | Health + Fitness, House, Life, Recipes + Food, Running + Training
I felt all better from whatever Tuesday’s sickness was when I woke up yesterday morning. Phew. I’m grateful that I only had two calls on Tuesday at work (I worked a few hours in the afternoon) compared to the twelve (four at the same time) I had on my...
by kimhastheruns | Mar 22, 2023 | Life, Running + Training
Yesterday I got up and ran (well, did a run/walk!) before work. It felt so good to start my way that day! This used to be my go to. I did it all the time. It was ingrained in me. It felt wrong if I didn’t start my day with a run outside. Running was my identity!...