by kimhastheruns | Aug 17, 2023 | Books, Fashion + Beauty, Health + Fitness, Life, Recipes + Food, Running + Training, Travel, Work + Design
I tried a group fitness class, and really liked it! Bobbi and I went to the Upper Body class at WWM Fitness on Monday and I was so excited to wake up Tuesday morning feeling sore. I missed that feeling! I went back yesterday for the Lower Body class. Ideally I’d...
by kimhastheruns | Aug 14, 2023 | Books, Life, Recipes + Food, Rock Painting, Running + Training
TL; DR: I had another mostly chill weekend! I was purposefully preparing for two upcoming busy weekends by being as lazy as possible this weekend and last weekend. I still did a long run, walked with a friend, did a long ride, and a few chores, but I sat around a lot....
by kimhastheruns | Aug 13, 2023 | Blogging, Life, Running + Training
When I was cycling this morning I was thinking about how nice it is to have “idea time” back in my workouts and to come up with so many things I want to write about here. I love seeing where my mind goes during these longer workouts! (Then I thought a lot about how I...
by kimhastheruns | Aug 11, 2023 | Running + Training
My half marathon training is complete! I’m not doing the race I had in mind tomorrow, but did run 13.1 this morning for fun, and will likely do an “official” half in the late summer or early fall with Rachel! I LOVED getting back into long runs. Love love LOVED it. I...
by kimhastheruns | Aug 7, 2023 | Books, House, Life, Running + Training
A few notes from the weekend! Well, not notes, more like paragraphs. I’m still playing around with the format of these weekend posts. TL;DR This was my first full long weekend back at home after three away! Yay! I wanted to catch up on things and relax. My three...
by kimhastheruns | Aug 6, 2023 | Life, Running + Training
While I was riding this morning I thought about how Steven (and his family) bought me my road bike ten years ago. And I still absolutely love it. Some days (like today) I feel like I am one with it, and could just ride forever. My bike today I was also thinking about...