by kimhastheruns | Dec 5, 2023 | Health + Fitness, Rock Painting
When I had my INR appointment (where they check how fast my blood is clotting*) early last month and it went so well that we booked my next appointment A WHOLE MONTH out I thought “that December 4th appointment could be my last appointment of the year! I better...
by kimhastheruns | Dec 2, 2023 | Health + Fitness, Life, Rock Painting, Running + Training, Travel
I’ll be posting monthly check-ins on my 2023 Goals. This is check-in #11! Take care of my health TW: this one is particularly whiny about weight and mentions binge eating I’ve felt ashamed of not making more weight loss progress in the second half of the...
by kimhastheruns | Nov 18, 2023 | Life, Rock Painting
Last night I taught a rock painting class at my gym and I did something really weird – I didn’t take ANY photos of the students or rocks. I took ONE photo, of my plate of food to send Steven, because he had sent me a picture of his dinner. (I ate more when...
by kimhastheruns | Nov 16, 2023 | Fashion + Beauty, Life, Rock Painting
These photos are not great, but here is the mani I got last week. I also did a matte finish on my toes for the first time, and love it. I feel a lot of relief that I was able to get so much painting done in LA. I’m teaching a rock painting class at my workout...
by kimhastheruns | Nov 12, 2023 | Life, Recipes + Food, Rock Painting, Travel
I just got back from spending the long weekend with Tiff and Val in LA (where Tiff lives)! When we parted ways in July we weren’t expecting to all be together again until February so I’m absolutely thrilled this trip came together! I really cherish my time...
by kimhastheruns | Nov 7, 2023 | Health + Fitness, Life, Recipes + Food, Rock Painting
Ha, I said this back in May and it’s still true – when I’m not painting after dinner, I’m snacking or thinking I need second portions (while scrolling my phone and not paying attention to whatever we have on the TV). It’s gotta stop. Even...