Training Week 581

Training Week 581

Highlight of the Week: A walk with Kathie and Kristi! Monday | November 30, 2020: strength Tuesday | December 1, 2020: 5 m run Run location: VP Woods, Temp: 26°/25°, Time: 1:02:14, Pace: 12:26 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: decent, but sluggish and a bit cold...
Christina was right

Christina was right

All year Christina (aka Snister – my sister) has been encouraging me to paint rocks. Esmann Island, where my family has cabins on the Mississippi River in Guttenberg, Iowa, has a rock hiding group and she and her kids and our mom were super into it. But...
Random Thoughts Thursday 304

Random Thoughts Thursday 304

Our new freezer arrived Monday, the same day as a huge Foxship Bakery order (we got some of their new brownies to try, along with a bunch of cookies!)! Perfect timing, as those items were going right into the freezer! (Why another freezer? The freezer that’s...
Weekend Highlights!

Weekend Highlights!

A few highlights from the (long) weekend! My company doesn’t give the day after Thanksgiving off, but I work extra hours each day to get every other Friday off, and this was my Friday off, so, yay! Thursday Feeling good on my run and seeing lots of people in the...