by kimhastheruns | Jan 19, 2021 | Life, Rock Painting, Running + Training
A few highlights from the weekend! Friday A safe drive to Iowa. Broken record, but ever since my April 2018 (I know, GET OVER IT, Kim!) car accident in slush, I am nervous about driving in wintery conditions, and it always seems to snow over this weekend. There was a...
by kimhastheruns | Jan 18, 2021 | Rock Painting
Rocks! For holiday gifts! When I started painting rocks my snis teased me that I was going to give everyone rocks for Christmas and I was like, ha, why would anyone want those?! But here we are… Christina (aka Snister/Snistina/Snis) was right again! As a...
by kimhastheruns | Jan 15, 2021 | Rock Painting
Before I show you these rock pics I have to tell you an icky story. I was varnishing rocks last night while talking on the phone with my mom and had my drink next to the varnish container with the lid off and I was distracted and guess what happened? I took a drink...
by kimhastheruns | Jan 12, 2021 | Rock Painting
A few people have asked me what they need to get started with rock painting, and I recently put together a “rock painting starter pack” with a few of these items as a gift, so why not share it here, too? You don’t need much to get started – you...
by kimhastheruns | Jan 11, 2021 | Life, Rock Painting
A few highlights from the weekend! Friday “Sleeping in.” A strength workout that left me shaky from lifting so much. Running errands and hiding rocks. Aldi had a bunch of new vegan foods, including vegan mozzarella sticks!!! Feeling good on my run. Burgers...
by kimhastheruns | Jan 5, 2021 | Rock Painting
It’s time for another round of rock painting inspiration! They’re in order of how I feel about how they turned out (from best to worst): Last week Mica sent me a pic of a rock she found with a cat riding a chicken and I was inspired to do something...