Rocks I painted in the last week

Rocks I painted in the last week

I didn’t paint much this week or last weekend (I’ve just been so mentally drained), but I do have a few things to share. First, an observation. I noticed I outline better when I am sitting on the couch than at our kitchen peninsula where I usually work....
Rocks I painted in the last week

Rocks I painted in the last week

Time for my weekly rock photo dump! Let’s start with orders! My snis ordered this rock of her friend Jacquie’s dog Bear back in December. I painted it before Christmas, so it’s an early work of mine (the post title is a LIE!). This is my first...
Training Week 588

Training Week 588

Highlight of the Week: Seeing the sunrise at the beach / wearing my new fanny pack full of rocks on a run! Monday | January 18, 2021: 5 m run Run location: VP Woods, Temp: 29°/30°, Time: 55:32, Pace: 11:06 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good Tuesday | January 19, 2021:...
Rocks I painted in the last week

Rocks I painted in the last week

Friday seems to be my weekly rock photo dump date – I think I’ll stick with it! A thought before I share what I’ve been working on though – I’m so glad I started my rock Instagram account (kimhidestherocks). In the same sense that the...
Random Thoughts Thursday 311

Random Thoughts Thursday 311

Where was this awesome butterfly wand toy last year when I had a goal to play with the cats more? This wand makes it fun for me, and the cats are going crazy for it! Thank you to my family for the gift! I think the key is that the “string” part of the wand...