Weekend Highlights (2021 #24)

Weekend Highlights (2021 #24)

A few highlights from the weekend! Friday A walk with Tricia. Tricia is in my rock painting group, and painted me some cute mugs so we meet up to exchange (I had a rock for her). A nap with the cats. Working on some commission rock orders. Saturday A long bike ride....
Rocks I painted in the last week

Rocks I painted in the last week

It’s weekly rock dump time! Rachel commissioned this rock for her coworker Cassie, who is moving from Madison to Milwaukee. I got the idea for it from an ad I saw for a yard flag I saw. It was fun to paint this, and the best part is I was there when Cassie...
Random Thoughts Thursday 327

Random Thoughts Thursday 327

We love going to the movies and one of the major ones I was bummed to see pushed back due to the pandemic was Fast & Furious 9 – I just love that franchise! I’ve been eagerly awaiting its release date (June 24th) and kept checking theaters so I could...
Weekend Highlights! (2021 #23)

Weekend Highlights! (2021 #23)

A few highlights from the weekend! Friday Seeing Lorena for a mani/pedi, and Lorena giving me a cute mug! A Shitterfly order that got lost in the mail and reordered twice finally arriving on the third try (thanks for your help with that, Snis!). Trying the strawberry...
Rocks I painted in the last week

Rocks I painted in the last week

Weekly rock post time! I painted these rocks as a commission for Dave2. They’re adult and kitten versions of his cats Jake and Jenny. Isn’t Jake just the cutest, holding his Mufasa stuffie? I had a hard time letting go of that one. Dave2 asked me to paint...