Weekend Highlights! (2021 #39)

Weekend Highlights! (2021 #39)

A few highlights from the weekend! Friday Being able to go into the vet’s office and visit during Apollo and Starbuck’s annual checkup. We have a long-standing relationship with our vet and love visiting with the staff, and they love seeing Apollo and...
Rocks I painted in the last week

Rocks I painted in the last week

Just a few rocks to share this week! I took a bit of time off while we were on our trip! Exciting news first – I will be teaching a rock painting class at Sip & Purr Cat Cafe in Milwaukee on Saturday October 16th at 2 pm and you can sign up here! The class...
Rocks I painted in the last week

Rocks I painted in the last week

Wow, I had this drafted last Friday and totally forgot to post it. That’s what happens when you’re on vacation! Here are the pumpkin patch kitties I’ve painted so far. I gifted the top one with a commission, still have the one on the right, and gave...
Weekend Highlights! (2021 #37)

Weekend Highlights! (2021 #37)

A few highlights from the weekend! Friday Seeing people post their version of my rock design after I showed them how to paint it on an Instagram Live. Being able to mail my package to Australia! I included so many fun things in there for my friend Emily. I hope it all...
Rocks I painted in the last week

Rocks I painted in the last week

Lots of Pusheen this week and a few of my own creations! These back to school Pusheens are from a coloring book I have. I hid two on my Tuesday run and sent one to a friend. These Halloween Pusheens are from the same coloring book. I sent bat and pumpkin to friends...