Rocks I painted in the last week

Rocks I painted in the last week

Yay! I am actually posting this on time! I painted Apollo visiting the Gateway Arch in 1965 before construction was completed. This design is by me and I will hide it. I put am explanation on the back of the rock that Apollo is a time traveling cat. Ha. This was my...
Rocks I painted in the last week

Rocks I painted in the last week

I had this ready to post Friday but we were out of town Thursday-Monday and I just don’t use my computer while we are traveling! So, there will be lots of delayed posts this week! Here are the rocks I painted last week! This kitty and lion were the third design...
Rocks I painted in the last two weeks

Rocks I painted in the last two weeks

Oops, I had this ready to post last Friday and never did! So here is two weeks worth of art. This cat butt Easter egg is by me! I hid it on my Monday run. Several of my friends recreated this, which made me feel good! I saw a mug at Target with this design and slogan...
Rocks I painted in the last week

Rocks I painted in the last week

A friend in Canada sent me a ton of temporary tattoos to use on rocks and I finally started to last week! I resined these so they’ll be permanent tattoos.  I will hide these. This monochromatic kitty design is by me. It looks a lot cooler in person, ha. I will...