by kimhastheruns | May 16, 2023 | Health + Fitness, Life, Rock Painting, Running + Training
Christina signing up to do RAGBRAI with me and Dad. Yay! She started working out consistently this year and I’m so proud of her and excited she’s joining us (it will be her first time)! The most important thing? That we find fun matching jerseys for us...
by kimhastheruns | May 12, 2023 | Health + Fitness, Rock Painting
Painting has been feeling like a burden lately. Another thing I feel like I “have” to do. So I haven’t been doing it unless I absolutely feel like it. Liberating. Photo from August 2022 Er… the problem with that is that I have nothing to do...
by kimhastheruns | May 2, 2023 | Health + Fitness, Life, Rock Painting, Running + Training, Travel
I’ll be posting monthly check-ins on my 2023 Goals. This is check-in #4! Take care of my health I had my check-in with my vascular doctor in April and he confirmed I have Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS) and need to stay on blood thinners indefinitely. Taking...
by kimhastheruns | Apr 17, 2023 | Books, Life, Rock Painting
A few highlights from the weekend! Saturday Getting some work done before my walk with Kris. I was trying to get ahead so I could relax more in the afternoon and it worked for once! A walk with Kris. It was so nice to focus on only what she was saying and putting one...
by kimhastheruns | Apr 15, 2023 | Health + Fitness, Life, Recipes + Food, Rock Painting, Running + Training
A few highlights from the weekend! This weekend started out really busy so I’m going to break it up in to two posts. Thursday Celebrating Bobbi’s birthday two days early! We had dinner at Hacienda Taproom & Kitchen in Milwaukee and our food was...
by kimhastheruns | Apr 10, 2023 | Fashion + Beauty, House, Life, Recipes + Food, Rock Painting
A few highlights from the weekend! Thursday The sun being out! I as able to resin a few rocks after work. It would be nice to stay caught up like this and not have to do a bunch at once! A short walk with Steven after work. Receiving Easter cards from my mom and the...