Monday mistakes

Monday mistakes

Gah, I’ve been in such a fog today. I blame it on going back to bed for an hour after waking up at 5:00. I won’t be doing THAT again. Just wake up, Kim. The sun is up. You’re up. Stay up. So, here are some mistakes/outtakes from today: Someone made a...
COVID-19 Check-in

COVID-19 Check-in

Thanks for continuing to read and comment on my extremely random posts! I always look forward to interacting with you all, but especially now! COVID-19 has affected my industry (interior office architecture) in many ways, one of them being that people are taking a...
Another food poll

Another food poll

Last week I mentioned sandwiches are “depressing” to have for dinner in my “Should sandwiches be cut?” post*, and I started to talk about it more in the comments, so here’s a whole post about it, since it’s come up a lot recently...


I’d like to blame me telling this story on our COVID-19 lack of human interaction and finding anything amusing state of minds, but the truth is, we’re always like this. Ha. Khali has a favorite human food, and it begins with “b” and ends in...