Flying to Milwaukee (Timmerman)

Flying to Milwaukee (Timmerman)

Our latest flying adventure was to Milwaukee, WI! Not the “big” Class Charlie/international Milwaukee airport (KMKE below), but a little Delta airport to the north of it – Timmerman Airport (KMWC). Steven wanted to practice nighttime takeoffs and...
Weekend Distractions

Weekend Distractions

Trying a new pizza place – Cut Stone – on Saturday Seeing the ice sculptures at Kenosha Snow Daze There were almost 60 ice sculptures! Never too cold for ice cream Sunday morning was beautiful for flying – the clearest I’ve ever seen it. I...
Happy Birthday Steven!

Happy Birthday Steven!

We had a lot of fun celebrating Steven’s birthday this weekend! On Saturday night we went to HuHot and Cold Stone Creamery with Jen and Troy. It’s always so fun to catch up with them! On Sunday (his birthday) we started the day with presents, then we flew...