ZZ Top!

ZZ Top!

I can’t believe how many concerts I’ve been to this year – Styx, the Rolling Stones, and now ZZ Top (with Cheap Trick opening) – that’s a lot for me! Of all those bands, ZZ Top is the one I listened to the most growing up. I have fond...
Why harmonica?

Why harmonica?

At the Rolling Stones concert, while Mick Jagger was playing the harmonica, I turned to Steven and said “I think I could play the harmonica!” He quickly responded with, “I think anyone can play the harmonica.” Ha, ha ha ha. Okay true. So I told...
River Trip 2019

River Trip 2019

Today was such a stupid busy sh*t day at work that I’m going to decompress on my train ride by writing about our vacation last week, which was so relaxing and wonderful… This was our sixth year in a row visiting Guttenberg, Iowa with Gina, Steve, and Luca...
The Rolling Stones!!!!

The Rolling Stones!!!!

We saw the Rolling Stones at Soldier Field on Friday night and they were AMAZING. They sounded great and had tons of energy. I couldn’t believe I was hearing such iconic songs LIVE by the ORIGINAL band members. Wow. Just wow. I typically don’t go to huge...
Random Thoughts Thursday 232

Random Thoughts Thursday 232

A black cat visited on Monday and he totally looks like Snow! Maybe Snow sent him. We finished Chernobyl. The acting and story telling was amazing. I’ll be thinking about it for weeks, and can’t wait to read about it after I get through my current stack of...