Last concert

Last concert

The idea for this post is 100% copied from the radio station I listen to* – they were asking people to call in and answer this question last Friday: What was the last concert you attended? I bet you’ll never guess which band you were seeing! Of course,...
Missing commute activities

Missing commute activities

Are any of you non-essential folks out there missing your commute activities (ha, not the commute itself!)? Pre COVID-19, I didn’t commute much (usually three days a week), but I’m still grateful not to have to at all – I have a lot more free time....
Random Thoughts Thursday 267

Random Thoughts Thursday 267

The past two weeks, instead of running one night each week, I took the night off and relaxed when I got off of work… and it was amazing. I don’t have a crazy busy weeknight schedule, but it felt so nice to end work and have nothing “to do”...
Weekend Highlights!

Weekend Highlights!

A few highlights from the weekend! Friday Finding a new hair stylist I actually like. The last person I went to was rude to me and didn’t cut my hair the way I wanted. This new person was nice, fun to talk to, and listened to how I wanted my hair cut. Yay!...
Every Monday night

Every Monday night

Two things happen every Monday night: I blab blab blab my way through teaching strength class, wondering where the hell all these stories came from I blast “Sympathy for the Devil” on the drive home, then immediately follow it with “She’s So...