What a 💩 start to the week

What a 💩 start to the week

Ha. You guys. The week can only get better after this. (probably not but I am going to be optimistic!) (and don’t worry, this is not about work) (but it is about poop so consider yourself warned – if you need to bounce, now’s the time) I walked by...
Weekend Distractions

Weekend Distractions

Trying a new pizza place – Cut Stone – on Saturday Seeing the ice sculptures at Kenosha Snow Daze There were almost 60 ice sculptures! Never too cold for ice cream Sunday morning was beautiful for flying – the clearest I’ve ever seen it. I...
Penny update

Penny update

Lorena was telling me how her daughter loved our holiday card but wanted to know all the kitties’ names, so I sent her these extremely helpful guides, LOL: Indoor kitties Outdoor kitties After I sent it, I realized how little I write here about the cats,...