Book club & volunteering

Book club & volunteering

Look at me, I’ve been so social this weekend. I’m proud of me. 🥹 Friday night was book club at the gym to review Saving Noah. I didn’t care for it, but it was insightful hearing what everyone else thought of it, and someone pointed out part of the...
Random Thoughts Thursday 491

Random Thoughts Thursday 491

First, how cute is this mani? I love how it turned out. And loved that it matched my Starbucks from Sunday! I don’t often get Starbucks on the weekend but I woke up Sunday with a killer headache from the pressure change, and caffeine helps (ha, although, that...
More rock stuff

More rock stuff

I’ve been leaving a painted rock at Starbucks when I visit before going into the office. Today the barista picked it up and said to me “I love it, I love it, I love it so much! Thank you! I took one home and put it in my office.” Aww, that made me feel really good. I...
The absolutely stupid silver lining

The absolutely stupid silver lining

You know what thought my dumb little brain had yesterday? Some minor inconvenience happened. I don’t even remember what it was. But I DO remember thinking, “wow, this would have made me angry before, and now it isn’t. Huh.” For a second that...