2023 Garden: Lots of Green Beans

2023 Garden: Lots of Green Beans

All I wanted from our garden was green beans, and we’ve harvested them Sunday, Monday, and last night! I’m very happy! The Valley Green and Tendergreens are what have come in so far. Both are good but we prefer the Valley Greens. It’s been fun to...
2023 Garden: Plant Cover

2023 Garden: Plant Cover

Some plants in our garden weren’t liking how much direct sun they were getting (we could tell by their sad droopy leaves), so on July 4th, we put up a plant cover. Steven bought this one (affiliate link) on Amazon. It’s made of 100% Polypropylene fiber, a...
2023 Garden: Adding more support

2023 Garden: Adding more support

This is our first year with a garden at this house and we’re all about learning and experimenting. So let me share what we learned last week about climbing plants and crowded plants! We had already put in poles and twine for our tomatoes to climb (and the green...