Random Thoughts Thursday 459

Random Thoughts Thursday 459

I forgot this week is RAGBRAI week until I was driving to Iowa last Friday. I don’t feel sad that Dad and I are missing out this year, but I do hope the route is closer to mid or northern state next year and we pick a day to do! RAGBRAI last year Ick warning...
Random Thoughts Thursday 457

Random Thoughts Thursday 457

Steven had his mock oral ground exam (for his private pilot license) yesterday and it went well! He has his mock checkride scheduled for July 8. And they told him he could go ahead and schedule the actual exam and checkride but scheduling has been so difficult lately...
Name reveal!

Name reveal!

Drumroll please, the new outdoor cat is named… Penny, after Pennywise! Thank you for the idea, Kelsey! It’s not our normal sci-fi name, but it just fits. I can’t believe I didn’t see it until Kelsey pointed it out! And I have to share this photo of Penn...