Flying to Milwaukee (Timmerman)

Flying to Milwaukee (Timmerman)

Our latest flying adventure was to Milwaukee, WI! Not the “big” Class Charlie/international Milwaukee airport (KMKE below), but a little Delta airport to the north of it – Timmerman Airport (KMWC). Steven wanted to practice nighttime takeoffs and...
Book club & volunteering

Book club & volunteering

Look at me, I’ve been so social this weekend. I’m proud of me. 🥹 Friday night was book club at the gym to review Saving Noah. I didn’t care for it, but it was insightful hearing what everyone else thought of it, and someone pointed out part of the...
Flying to Fort Atkinson

Flying to Fort Atkinson

I got to see Rachel TWO WEEKENDS IN A ROW! How’d I get so lucky, right?! Steven and I were discussing places to fly this weekend and I suggested flying to meet Rachel and her husband for lunch. Rachel was 1000% on board so we flew to Fort Atkinson, WI (new-to-us...