New favorite day

New favorite day

Yesterday morning when I got to the gym someone leaving from the class before me said “I hope you’re ready to run!” “Always!” I responded. They went on to count out how many laps we did (in the parking lot) at class “4, 10, 10, 16,...
Did you go somewhere?

Did you go somewhere?

Ha, this is NOT what I came here to blog about, but this is what you’re getting because it just popped into my head. I saw someone I don’t often see in the office this morning and had a big smile on my face when I greeted them and they said to me...
Silly kid thoughts

Silly kid thoughts

When Stephany was here we had a conversation about things we believed as a child that make no sense, and I have to share mine with you because it’s so ridiculous – I thought the only way people died was by being murdered. I heard the phrase “die in...
Reading Update (2024 #40-42)

Reading Update (2024 #40-42)

[40] Finding Mr. Purrfect by Codi Gary Fiction / Romance / Romantic Comedy, saw in Blue House Books and ACTUALLY PURCHASED, paperback Synopsis: Charity and Will can’t stand each other (for reasons I don’t exactly understand since I didn’t read book...