Random Thoughts Thursday 474

Random Thoughts Thursday 474

Last November when my parents visited they brought a holiday cardboard scratcher for the cats that was an absolute hit and stayed out for about 10 months until I recycled it. I was going to jokingly ask my mom if she was bringing another for the cats last weekend, but...
Weekend with Mom & Dad

Weekend with Mom & Dad

My parents visited this weekend, yay! We always have a fun time with them. They got in late Thursday. So late that they let themselves in and I slept right through it. On Friday we: Did an early flight with Dad (more on that below), which included a stop then driving...
Reading Update (2024 #70-72)

Reading Update (2024 #70-72)

[70] The Happy Ever After Playlist (The Friend Zone #2) by Abby JimenezFiction / Romance / Romantic Comedy, next in series, Kindle Synopsis: Two years after the devastating loss of her fiancé, Sloan is still struggling to move on, until a stray dog...
Random Thoughts Thursday 473

Random Thoughts Thursday 473

Last week I shared my Random Thoughts Thursday post to Facebook and it was removed because it “violated community standards.” Huh? I tried to post it again and the same thing happened. Then I remembered I only have a Facebook page for my blog because...
Night flight

Night flight

We went on a flight last night after 4 weeks off. FOUR UNINTENTIONAL WEEKS OFF! I mean, the first couple of weeks were intentional because we did that big trip to Arkansas and back. But then we had flight cancellations due to airplane availability and weather and I...